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Author's note: Before you start can you please check out my new original story called Moonlight? It's a fantasy story with supernatural creatures and sorcery. Please check it out and let me know what you think.

("It will mean so much to me. It's my original story. Please read it. ")

Other than that, please enjoy your reading, and thanks for giving a chance to my stories.

Flashback when Kacy is born:

-One more push Morgana.

Sarah was holding her sister hand while she was giving birth to her first child. The child of her first love with whom she had a child herself. Unfortunately, they broke up and her sister and him started dating leaving her little sister pregnant too. The biggest problem was that she still had feelings for him and didn't want to hurt him. Her sister was the most powerful witch right know and she even had the power to kill Klaus but doing that she can die herself. She didn't love him and used him only to get herself pregnant by him so this way she would have the most powerful child that has ever lived. She would use this child for power.

Sara's pov: She is bad and I hate what I have just done, but it had to be done. Just a few hours ago I gave her something to drink. A spell which will make her faint after giving birth. I had to take this child away for her own good. Klaus didn't want anything to do with the child after what my little sister did to him. He had just found love again and she broke his heart.

-One more push Morgana.

The nurse said.

Finally, I heard crying. The baby was finally here in this world. Just as I expected my sister had fainted. I compelled the nurse to take the child back to my house and to take care of her there. She went to my house, while I waited for my sister to wake up.

Just a few minutes later she woke up. I held her hand in mine and smiled sweetly at her and a few tears escaped my eyes. What to say I was a very good actor.

- You're okay. Sister, I thought I lost you.

I said to her.

- What happened?

She asked.

-I think you lost consciousness.

I said

- Where is my baby?

I looked at her and made another few tears to escape my eyes.

-Where is my baby Sarah?

She asked again. This time more demanding.

- I'm sorry sister, but the baby didn't make it. Your child wasn't breathing.

I lied to her.

-I'm so sorry.

I told her.

- Leave.

She told me.

- But you're weak. I can't let you right now. You need me, sister.

- Leave I don't want to see you ever again.


-Leave! Now! Don't come back.

I swear I saw a hurt look more than a disappointment look. I left and went back home vamp speeding. I saw the nurse holding the baby and trying to put her to sleep. I went to her and took the baby in my arms. I compelled the nurse to know that the baby died during birth cause she wasn't breathing and then I told her to leave. I was holding the little child in my arms and I smiled sweetly at her. She was wrapped in a pink blanket which showed that she was a girl. My girl. My Kacy. I called Klaus and told him to come quickly cause there is something wrong with his daughter. I didn't tell him about his second daughter. He came for just a few minutes and opened the door and then he saw me sitting there with the infant child in my hands.

- Don't tell me you actually took Morgana's child.

He said more angry than happy.

- I couldn't let my sister have her and use her as a weapon. I'm gonna take care of her and be her mother. Her name is Kacy. Do you want to hold her?

I said while walking closer to him.

- Get her away from me! I didn't want anything to do with her before and I don't want anything to do with her now.

He said angry at me.

- Klaus this is your daughter. She needs her father.

-She can call me dad if she wants, but that doesn't mean that she is my daughter.

He vamp speeds upstairs to Grace's room.

Author's note: Please read my other story Bloody Dreams. It will mean so much to me. It's my first original story. Please read it. 🙏

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