Out of breath

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Third pov:

It was early in the morning and everyone was sleeping. Kacy was sleeping next to Klaus. Klaus had wrapped his arms around her waist. He looked happy having his little girl there.
Kacy started moving a lot. She was frowning and covered in sweat. Suddenly she opened her eyes.

Kacy's pov:

I opened my eyes. It was still night. Everything was so blurry and I couldn't breathe. I turned to my dad. I started shaking him. I was panicking.

Kacy: Dad. D...a.d.

He opened his eyes only to see me there with tears in my eyes.

Klaus: What's wrong?
Kacy: I can't... I can't...
Klaus: You can't what, love?
Kacy: I can't...
Klaus: Come on baby girl. You are worrying me.
Kacy: Breathe. I can't.

Dad looked so scared. I never thought I would see him like that. He got up immediately and got dressed so fast. I don't even think he wore his T-shirt. He picked me up and I was trying so hard to breathe, but I couldn't so I cried in his chest. Dad vamp sped to the hospital immediately and asked for a doctor. I lost consciousness.

Klaus's pov:

I was sitting in the waiting room. I was so worried and scared. I couldn't stop thinking about Kacy. What if she dies? I had to call Killian. He would never forgive himself if she dies and he wasn't there.
I dialed his number and waited till he answered.

Killian: Klaus. What do you want?
Klaus: Kacy is in the hospital. Thought you would like to know.
Killian: What?!
Klaus: Come.

And with that I hang up on him and called Elijah.

Elijah: Klaus?! Why are you calling me from your room? And why did you wake me?
Klaus: I'm not in my room. I'm in the hospital.
Elijah: Kacy?
Klaus: Yes. Can you come and bring me a T-shirt and my jacket? I didn't have the time to get dressed properly.
Elijah: Sure. I'm coming.
Klaus: And Elijah?
Elijah: Yes?
Klaus: Don't wake the others.
Elijah: Alright brother. I will be there in 5 minutes.

Elijah came as he promised and brought me my T-shirt and jacket. I got dressed and sat again in the same spot I was.

Elijah: So what happened?
Klaus: She couldn't breathe. I took her here as soon as possible.

Elijah started walking in front me. He did that for a couple of minutes till I couldn't handle it anymore.

Klaus: Elijah stop walking and sit!
Elijah: I am sorry.

He sat next to me.
It felt like ages till the doctor came. I got up immediately when I saw him. Elijah after me.

The doctor: Who is the father?
Klaus: I am.
The doctor: Well your daughter had a seizure. She is sleeping right now. She doesn't have any other symptoms aside from being out of breath.  I'm afraid she must stay here for a while. It seems that her disease has gotten worse.
Elijah: Worse?! How worse?
The doctor: I'm afraid that all she can have is two months or three. I'm sorry.

The doctor took his leaving.

Elijah: Niklaus?! I am sorry.

He put his hand on my shoulder to offer his comfort. I put it away angrily and walked to Kacy's room. I saw her there so peacefully sleeping in that horrible hospital bed. That thin tube just above her upper lip to help her get oxygen. That machine which was beating along side her heart beat. There were wires everywhere keeping her trapped in that bed, in this room. She will definitely hate this boring, out of color room. It was dull. Hospitals should be happier. To make people feel better, but this room was grey. It was more upsetting than delightful. I walked slowly towards her and sat on the chair next to her bed. I held her hand in mine. Her hand was so cold. It just reminded me of her days that were counting and she has to live the rest of her life trapped in wires and tubes and a machine beating every second to tell her she is still alive. This will get her depressed. Not being able to live the life she wanted with traveling and making friends. To see the world and her future. She deserved it. She worked hard for it. She lived a life full of misery and abuse because of me and now that she can finally have what she always wanted, she is doomed to die. I don't want to lose her. Not now. Now that I have finally let her in. In my heart. My little baby. She will always be my little baby. I will never forget her.
I heard the door open and I was expecting to have been Elijah, but it was Killian. He looked carelessly dressed just like me. His eyes were puffy red. He ran to other side of the bed in front of me and sat near her. He leaned in immediately and kissed her forehead. He kept whispering to himself.

Killian: I'm here. It's okay. Daddy's here my darling. Daddy's here. I'm here. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

He had closed his eyes and had put his head on her shoulder and both of his hands on each side of the bed and after a minute, I didn't see this coming,but he started crying. He held his hand tightly in the pillow. He didn't opened his eyes. I put a hand on his shoulder offering comfort. He didn't put it away. He just continued crying. I got up and went to his side of the bed. I sat behind him and pulled him from Kacy forcefully. He than started crying on my shoulder.

Killian: I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Klaus: It's okay. It's alright.

I held him like that till he finally was calm and exhausted. He was barely keeping his eyes open. I helped him up and got him out of the room where Elijah was.

Elijah: What happened to him?!
Klaus: He cried everything out. He is exhausted. Take him home.
Elijah: Of course.

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