I will be there for anything that you want. You have my word, love.

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Author's note: Before you start can you please check out my new original story called Moonlight? It's a fantasy story with supernatural creatures and sorcery. Please check it out and let me know what you think.

("It will mean so much to me. It's my original story. Please read it. ")

Other than that, please enjoy your reading, and thanks for giving a chance to my stories.

When I woke up, dad wasn't there. Grace was sleeping right next to me. I got up. Dad wasn't anywhere in the room. I panicked. Did he leave me? He wouldn't dare. I gave him only one chance. He wouldn't dare leave me again. 

After about 10 minutes of panicking, the door opened and dad came in. I immediately relaxed. 

Klaus: Have you been awake for long?

Kacy: Just a couple of minutes. Where were you?

Klaus: I went to buy something to eat.

Kacy: Oh okay.

Klaus: Come eat.

I got up and sat on the chair. Dad gave me the food and he sat next to me eating his food. It was a total silence between us. We didn't dare look at each other in the eyes. We stayed in that silence till we finished eating. Dad got up and started cleaning the table. 

He didn't said a word about last night. He promised me he was going to think about it, but I am really scared that he is not going to come. I'm terrified that he will leave me. What if he does leave me, what am I gonna do? I was so curious to know.

Kacy: Dad.

He turned around to face me, finally looking into my eyes. I know noticed that I hadn't seen him smile or smirk whatever he does that shows that he is happy. He wasn't happy. I could see it in his eyes, how sad he actually was. He tries to hide it so much so me and Grace won't notice, but I did. I didn't want to be mean to him, I just wanted my daddy back.

Kacy: Did you think about? You know what I'm talking about.

He looked at me sadly. He walked towards me and sat on the chair right in front of me. After  a minute or two of  staring at me, he finally spoke.

Klaus: I did.

Kacy: And?

Klaus: I will come back.

I was so happy to hear that, but something was wrong. He still looked sad.

Kacy: What's wrong daddy?

Klaus: I will send you two home, but I'm not gonna live with you anymore.

Kacy: What?! What do you mean by that?!

Klaus: Kacy , you have to understand that me and your mom broke up. We're not together anymore. We don't live together anymore. Do you understand?

Suddenly my eyes filled with tears and as much as I tried holding them in I couldn't. I was so heartbroken by his words.

Kacy: I don't want to understand. Please dad. I know mom will forgive you. I forgave you. Please try to make things work with mom. Please.

Klaus: Please Kacy. It's hard for me too, but we broke up and I hurt her and there is nothing that you can say that will change my mind. Please don't push it anymore.

Kacy: Please. I'm begging you. Please.

I was crying so much now. Dad kept looking at me like he was begging me to stop asking him, but I couldn't. I finally have my dad back, but I don't have my mom. She has locked herself in her room and dad was the only way to heal her. I was so heartbroken.

I got up. Still crying.

Kacy: Please daddy. Please.

He got up too and tried to calm me down.

Klaus: Please stop it.

Kacy: No. You can't do this to me.

Klaus: Love, come on. I'm still going to be there for you. I will live close by and you can come visit me anytime you want. I promise that I will be there for anything that you want. You have my word, love.

I looked him in the eyes. I was sobbing in tears now. I know understand that he won't change his mind. No matter how much I try. I didn't know what to say to him anymore so I just hugged him. I buried my face in his chest and cried my heart out. He tried to calm me down as much as he could. I didn't notice that Grace was awake and she had seen everything that had happened. She wasn't saying a thing. She just looked at us hugging. Dad had noticed her. They smiled at each other, but that soon faded. I wasn't crying anymore, but I didn't let go of my dad. He put his finger under my chin so he could raise my head and so I can look at him. My eyes were red from crying. He smiled at me.

Klaus: Everything is going to be okay. 

I didn't said a thing. I just looked at him for a couple more seconds and than I rested my head in his chest again. He kept stroking my back and kissing my forehead.

I don't know how much we stayed like that, but I quite enjoyed his company and the hug really made me feel better.

I got my dad back now. Actually this is the first time that I can say this out loud. I have a dad. I never had one. Well not mentally, but only physically. He was in my life, but not actually part of it. I can say that he just existed in my memory, but I didn't know him till today. Now I have to find a way to make my mom and dad get back together. I will not give up. My mom needs me. She never gave up in trying to make me happy and I will not give up until she smiles again. This is a promise mom.

Author's note: Please read my other story Bloody Dreams. It will mean so much to me. It's my first original story. Please read it. 🙏

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