Not enough time

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Author's note: Before you start can you please check out my new original story called Moonlight? It's a fantasy story with supernatural creatures and sorcery. Please check it out and let me know what you think.

("It will mean so much to me. It's my original story. Please read it. ")

Other than that, please enjoy your reading, and thanks for giving a chance to my stories.

Klaus's pov:

When I woke up. I felt free. Finally I am the strongest creature this world has seen, again. Elijah came and gave me a pair of clothes.

Klaus: How is Kacy?
Elijah: She woke up, but she felt tired so I told her to rest.
Klaus: Where is she?
Elijah: Come.

I followed my brother to the place where Kacy was sleeping. She was curled in a ball position with Elijah's jacket around her. She was probably a bit cold. I picket her up bridal style.

Klaus: Let's go.

I said to Elijah, who nodded.

Kacy's pov:

When I woke up I wasn't in the ground, but in the backseat of a car. I was laying there, but instead of Elijah's jacket, I was covered with another jacket which was smaller and I presume it's Klaus's.
I decided to close my eyes again and to ignore the fact that he was there.
The car stopped and Klaus and another boy got out of the car, who I didn't know. They left for a couple of minutes so I decided to open my eyes. I was looking everywhere and I didn't notice that Klaus was back until the door opened and he saw me.

Klaus: Well hello little one. How is your head?

I didn't talk to him. I just looked away.  He tried to get me up to sit, but I refused so he sat behind me to keep me up.

Klaus: So you failed. I'm a hybrid now.  And I bet you're so angry right now with me, but also you have nothing to say to me cause you failed.

I could actually feel him smirking behind me. A few tears escaped my eyes. I want my daddy.
Klaus put his hands around me and rested his chin on my shoulder. Hugging me.

Klaus: Sarah said you ran away a while ago. Where have you been little one?
Kacy: Around.
Klaus: With who?
Kacy: Alone.

I was crying now.

Klaus: Shhhh little one. Close your eyes and rest a bit. We will be in a hotel soon.
Kacy: I don't wanna stay with you.
Klaus: I'm not gonna let you get away again.
Kacy: Please. I will go away. Please.
Klaus: You will always stay with me.
Kacy: I will tell Mikael where you are if you don't let me leave.

Suddenly he froze. He put his arm around my neck.

Klaus: You don't know where Mikael is.
Kacy: Yes I do. I lived with him. Me and him made a deal. He helped me train and I was going to help him kill you.
Klaus: You little brat.

He tightened his grip around my neck, making me gasp for air. I tried to fight it, but soon enough I fell unconscious.
I woke up again. This time I was on a bed. I presume this is the hotel. Klaus was sitting right next to me. Looking blankly at the floor.

Klaus: You're such a traitor.
Kacy: What?!
Klaus: You betrayed me for him. He would have killed you the minute I was gone.
Kacy: Please let me go.
Klaus: And where will you go?! Huh?! Back to him?! Do you really think I'm that stupid?! Maybe you have a death wish love, but I don't.
Kacy: No. I won't go to him. I swear.
Klaus: And why would I believe you?
Kacy: Cause he doesn't want me back.
Klaus: Why?
Kacy: Cause he told me that I had to kill someone in order to break my werewolf curse.
Klaus: You are not a werewolf Kacy. You're not my real daughter.
Kacy: No my biological father is.
Klaus: What?! You found him?!
Kacy: Yes and I want to get back at him. I won't disturb you again. I just wanna go home to him.

I was crying.

Kacy: We had a fight and I ran away and he must be worried about me.

He looked at me with a blank expression, for a couple of seconds.

Klaus: I don't trust you.

I looked down and covered my eyes with my hand and started sobbing. After a minute or two, I looked back at him.

Kacy: Please. I don't have much time. Please.
Klaus: Much time for what?
Kacy: Much time to. Much time.

I couldn't say it. I was crying so much. He came in front of me and lifted my head.

Klaus: Much time for what.
Kacy: Much time to live.
Klaus: What?! What are you saying?!
Kacy: I got out of the hospital 2 weeks ago. I had a disease. An incurable one.  I have up to 5 years to live. I can die every day.

I was crying a lot. Klaus hugged me.

Klaus: Call him.
Kacy: Who?
Klaus: Your dad. Call him to come get you.
Kacy: Ok.

He got up to take my phone and gave it to me. I dialed dad's name and pressed call. I put the phone in my ear.

Killian: Kacy.
Kacy: Dad.
Killian: Kacy where are you? I was so worried.
Kacy: I'm okay daddy.
Killian: I'm so sorry little one. I didn't meant to keep the fact that you're dying a secret. I just wanted you to be happy in your last years of your life.
Kacy: It's okay daddy. I forgive you. Can you come get me?
Killian: Of course. Where are you?
Kacy: I will text you the address.
Killian: Okay. I love you.
Kacy: I love you too.
Killian: Bye my little chocoholic.
Kacy: Bye daddy.

After the call was finished I turned to Klaus who was sitting just a bit behind me looking at me.

Kacy: Can you text my dad the address?

I handed him my phone.

Klaus: Sure.

He took my phone and wrote the address to my dad and gave my phone back to me.

Klaus: I still can't believe you're gonna die or the fact that you call someone else dad.
Kacy: I'm sorry.

I muttered.

Klaus: I'm sorry for everything. I know I don't deserve any forgiveness, but it hurts to know that the little girl I knew since the day she was born, is going to die soon and I never got the chance to be in one of her birthdays because I was so stupid to deny her as mine.

We both were crying now. I went to him and hugged him. We laid on the bed hugging and soon we fell asleep.

The Unwanted Daughter of Klaus (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now