I needed you and you left me

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It's been a while since dad called and I didn't tell anyone about it. I have tried to call him, but he doesn't answer. I have tried to find him and Grace has helped me to track him down using her magic. Me and Grace are going to get dad back. Grandma knows about it, but aunt Morgana doesn't. We told her that we were going to stay at grandma's tonight, but we are actually  going to find dad. I have to see him again. I miss him and he has to know that I forgive him for everything if he only could come home. That's all I want. I just need my dad. 

Grace was driving and I was in the passenger's seat. I was looking out of the window and I was listening to the music in the radio. Neither of us had said a word all this time that we were in the car. I looked at Grace and she looked at me for just a second and she gave me her sweetest smile that I love so much about her. It always reminds me of mum. Mom. God knows how much I miss her. The old happy her that liked to play with me and cuddled me at night when I had nightmares. The person who took care of me and raised me alone cause dad wasn't actually there. I just miss my mom when she was with my dad. She was such a cool mom and now she locks herself in her bedroom and cries herself to sleep. She is broken. I hope daddy comes back for her. Last time me and dad talked he said that mom will ''move on''. I'm not gonna let that happen. I know  mom misses him and I know dad misses her too. They can't deny it. They are in love. 

I looked out the window again and just a few minutes later I saw a big board which said ''Welcome to Raign town''. That's a cool name for a town. It was quite  a small town. There weren't a lot of houses or shops, but I quite like it. It was kinda unique. I love small towns.

Suddenly the car stopped in front of a small motel. Grace looked at me and smiled.

Grace: We are here. Come on.

We both got out of the car. I observed the motel. It wasn't something that dad actually likes. This thing was cheap, but it looked quite nice. Dad always like expensive things. He always wanted the best. I hope he's still here. I followed Grace upstairs. After a minute or two she stopped in front of a door. She tried to knock, but she stopped. She hesitates a minute, than she looks at me and smiles. She looks at the door again and this time she knocks. Just a minute later the door opened and there stood a very shocked dad.

We found him. I can't believe we found him. He is here and he is standing just a few steps away from me. He hadn't seen me yet.

Klaus: Grace what are you doing here and how did you found me?!

Grace: Actually I'm not alone. Someone really missed you.

I walked slowly to the door. Grace was looking my way. Dad finally saw me. He looked more surprised than before. 

Klaus: Kacy?!

Kacy: Hi.

I looked at him and gave him a very quick smile which faded away very quickly. I was so scared and nervous, but in the same time I was happy. I was happy that I could finally see him. My dad was standing in front of me. He was right in front of me. I couldn't believe it. 

Klaus: Hello.

He looked at me like I was going to die or something, because he looked like he was about to cry. He looked speechless. I walked very slowly towards him and wrapped my arms around him. He was still a bit shocked , because he took his time till he finally returned the hug. Grace joined in a bit after and we stayed like that for a long time. The hug felt so nice. I never wanted to let go. This was a very emotional moment for me. This wasn't just any hug. This was actually the first hug of me and dad. He had never hugged me before. 

I don't know for how much we stayed like that, but I know that I was silently crying and maybe dad too because I could hear him a bit. He kept kissing both me and Grace. He was keeping us very close to him. He broke the hug , but still kept his arms around us.

Klaus: Can someone tell me how did you find me?

He said while laughing a bit.

Grace: I used a locator spell to track you down. Kacy really wanted to find you after you called her.

Kacy: I only told her about the call. 

There was a bit of silent.

Kacy: I tried calling you again.

Klaus: Yeah I know. I'm sorry I didn't pick it up. I was afraid you would keep telling me to come back and I didn't want to make you cry again.

Grace: Dad. Please come back.

Klaus: I can't love. I'm not ready to come back.

He let go of us. My voice tone became louder and filled with anger. I tried to hold it in a bit, but I couldn't.

Kacy: What do you mean by that dad? Why aren't you ready to come back to your own family?!

Klaus: There are so many things that you don't know, love. So many things that you're not ready to handle yet. You're still young.

Kacy: So what?! When are you coming back, when I'm older. 

Grace: Kacy.

Kacy: No! You already missed thirteen birthdays from my life. How many will you miss until I have to see you again dad? How many times do I have to wish for you to come to my birthday until you finally do? I needed you and you left me and now you want to leave me again. No! No! No! You can't do that to me anymore. You want me to forgive you, you come back with me after I leave this door. This is the only chance I'm gonna give to you dad. I swear!

Klaus: If you only knew what...

Kacy: Than tell me!

Klaus: I can't. This has to be a decision between me and Sarah.

Kacy: Than come with me. Mom is back home. Not here. She is crying there for you. Just come.

I didn't realized how much I was crying from the anger I was feeling inside of me. 

Klaus: Come here love.

He opened his arms to hug me and I shook my head.

Kacy: No! You have to promise me you will come back with me.

Klaus: I'm going to think about it and I'm gonna tell you tomorrow morning. It's getting a little late and you need to eat and I need to think. I promise  I will think about it. Now please calm down.

He opened his arms again and gave me a hug. He didn't let go of me until I was calmed. We stayed there for the night. Dad bought us pizza. After we ate we watched a movie and I fell asleep hugging dad.

Author's note: Please read my other story Bloody Dreams. It will mean so much to me. It's my first original story. Please read it. 🙏

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