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Kacy's pov:

I woke up. Dad was smiling at me.

Killian: Hey little one. I thought you'd never wake up.
Kacy: Dad?
Killian: You okay?

I nodded. I looked around and noticed we were still there. I looked at the door which was still locked. I got up and went towards it and tried to open it, but I couldn't.

Killian: What are you trying to do? Remember what Mikael said that they are locked by magic.
Kacy: Where are the others?
Killian: They went to get something to eat.
Kacy: Dad I was in there.
Killian: What are you talking? It's locked.
Kacy: I was in there while I was sleeping.
Killian: Kacy you are worrying me.
Kacy: They said they could help.
Killian: Kacy who said that?
Kacy: These two girls and a boy.
Killian: What did they say exactly?
Kacy: They talked about a kingdom of supernatural creatures that was hidden from people.
Killian: That looks like a fairytale.
Kacy: That's what I said. They talked about these hybrids of two different types of magic.
Killian: How do you know about that? You were sleeping when we talked about them.
Kacy: I am one of them and so are you.
Killian: I'm not like you Kacy. I have only one type of magic in me.
Kacy: They said that you didn't knew about it.
Killian: What else did they say?
Kacy: They told me about how you became a werewolf without killing someone.
Killian: I have never told anyone that.
Kacy: They called us tribrids.
Killian: How can they help you?
Kacy: They said that we have been chosen. If you accept to be the future king of their kingdom, they will heal me.
Killian: King?! Me?! I don't want to be a king.
Kacy: Than I will die.
Killian: No we will find another way to save you.
Kacy: For how long dad. I can die every day that passes. Every second, every minute can be my last. Maybe tomorrow you will wake up to find out that I didn't.
Killian: Please don't cry.
Kacy: I am afraid dad. I am terrified. I have thought about dying every day, but now that I am so close I am afraid. You promised me you will find a way to help me and now that you have it, you don't wanna sacrifice anything for me. I guess you don't love me enough.

I walked outside.

Killian: Kacy. Please don't say that. I love you more than anything. Please don't cry.
Kacy: Nobody loves me. Not you, not Morgana, not Klaus. No one.
Killian: Klaus!

Killian's pov:

When I heard his name I got really angry. It was him who hurt my little girl so much. He broke her and now he is gonna pay.

Killian: Stay here and wait for your mom and grandpa.
Kacy: Where are you going?

I used a spell to teleport myself to Mystic Falls. I am gonna make him pay.

Kacy's pov:

Not soon after dad went, grandpa and mom came. I ran to them.

Kacy: Mommy. Grandpa.
Mikael: Kacy sweetheart why are you crying?
Kacy: Daddy went somewhere.
Morgana: Where did he go?
Kacy: We got in a fight and during the fight I mentioned Klaus and he got really angry and went away.
Mikael: We have to go to him. Do you have any idea where Klaus is?
Kacy: I do, but I can't tell you.
Mikael: Kacy!
Kacy: You want to kill him. You want to kill Klaus.
Mikael: I wanna save Killian.
Kacy: You promise you won't try to kill him?
Mikael: Fine I promise.
Kacy: Okay. Please don't break your promise cause I love you and I don't wanna lose you.

Mikael was shocked when I said that and hugged me.

Kacy: He is in Mystic Falls.
Mikael: We have to vamp speed there. Hold on to me. Both of you and close your eyes.

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