Little Girl

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Author's note: Before you start can you please check out my new original story called Moonlight? It's a fantasy story with supernatural creatures and sorcery. Please check it out and let me know what you think.

("It will mean so much to me. It's my original story. Please read it. ")

Other than that, please enjoy your reading, and thanks for giving a chance to my stories.

Kacy's pov:

I was hearing all the stories from my dad. How he was there when I was a child. How he stalked me. How he regrets not watching me walk for the first time or hearing my first word. He talked to me like he was there. Like he lived those days with me and for a moment I thought it was true. In that moment I knew he loved me for real. I understood why he left. He really wasn't ready to be a dad, even if he wanted to be one so badly. He was just scared and that was quite normal. It still hurts me, but now I finally understand and my questions have been answered.
I fell asleep as dad talked about the little me. I loved hearing his voice. So comforting, so gentle. It made me feel safe. As I closed my eyes the only thing in my mind were Rosalie, Sofia and Gale. I wasn't really thinking about them, they just came through my mind as I was about to fall asleep.
Everything got dark.

Gale: Princess.

I knew that voice. It was familiar. I turned around, but no one was there.

Sofia: Princess.

I kept looking everywhere.

Rosalie: Princess.
Gale: Princess.
Sofia: Princess.

The voices were irritating and too much. I put my hands in my ears to block the voices.

Kacy: Stop it!

I yelled.

Gale: Princess.

This time the voice was lower and closer. I turned around to see Gale, Rosalie and Sofia.

Gale: I'm sorry princess. We were trying to communicate with you. It was a little harder than we thought.
Kacy: My dad agreed. It was harder than I though.
Sofia: We knew he would.
Kacy: Wait did you do this?!
Rosalie: Do what?
Kacy: You got me sick didn't you?
Gale: What are you talking about?
Kacy: I may be just human for now, but I was born supernatural and I can not have a disease. You did this to me.
Sofia: We don't know what you are talking about.
Kacy: You wanted my dad so you got me sick. Now I understand. The doctor didn't know what it was. They didn't have a name or a cure. Like I was the only one out there with this disease. You made me sick so you can get to my dad. You knew he wasn't going to agree so you used me!
Gale: Princess...
Kacy: I won't let you do this to my dad.
Gale: Kacy. I'm sorry.
Sofia: We had to do that.
Rosalie: We were forced to do it.
Gale: We have a really bad king. He kills our people. He uses our power and locks us to some rooms in the darkest part of the castles.
Sofia: Just because we aren't human.
Rosalie: There was a time when humans and supernatural lived in peace.
Gale: That all change when King John came. He took the supernatural creatures so he can use their powers.
Sofia: But 16 years ago some unfortunate slaves who had to work in the caves for the king, found a old letter where was written a prophecy.
Gale: A prophecy about the rightful king of the kingdom. The prophecy talked about a tribid of three different types of species. The throne was going to be given to this man or woman and the descendants after their death will take the throne. With the research we have done over the years we have found out that Killian was the first tribid in this earth and you are the second.
Sofia: We had to save our people Kacy.
Rosalie: And we needed to sacrifice.
Kacy: Sacrifice?! Me?! I am just a child and I'm terrified. You three just doomed me to death.
Gale: We don't want to hurt you princess.
Kacy: Don't call me princess.
Gale: Kacy. Please we need your dad. Please. We promise we will give you the cure as soon as your dad agrees.
Kacy: He agreed.
Sofia: That's great.
Kacy: But I don't. I won't let him do this. Take me.
Sofia: What?! Kacy sweetie...
Kacy: Take me.
Gale: Kacy listen to me. You can't rule the kingdom while your dad is still alive. It's part of the prophecy. We only have one chance and that's your dad. Please help us Kacy. Please.
Kacy: I don't want to die.

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