Chapter One: Icky, Sticky, Slimey, Sludge

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//A lot of canon stuff in this one. Oops//

Izuku Midoriya made it his goal to go through life with a smile on his face.

He smiled when he woke up in the morning, he smiled at school, smiled when his peers made fun of him, and smiled when he came home to an empty house almost everyday. Why he smiled was a mystery. Perhaps he smiled because there was an overwhelming optimism in his heart that had to escape somehow. Or maybe it was because the Number One hero was never seen without a smile. Maybe it was simply a force of habit.

Or perhaps, more likely, it was a calculated move. After all, humans are more likely to trust someone happy and bubbly, and seemingly unassuming.

But did the reason really matter? Izuku didn't think so. He grinned at his reflection in the bathroom mirror, taking pride in his plaque-free teeth. His expression dimmed, though, when his eyes traveled up to his rat's nest of green and black hair. It would take at least thirty minutes to get that mess sorted out. Thirty minutes he didn't have. School started in less than ten.

He sighed, resigned. "Oh well. I guess I'll just have to deal."

He reinstated the grin on his face as he left the bathroom, grabbing his bag from its place on the floor. Izuku exited his house, not bothering to say goodbye as his mom, Inko Midoriya, had likely left hours ago, that is if she had come home at all the night before. It didn't bother Izuku, though. He locked the door without a second thought.

The walk to school was uneventful at best. Izuku waved at passer-byers and offered a nod to an old married couple who were sat on a bench, and that was about it.

Izuku was prepared for a long, boring day of school where all he did was write in his journal, but life was full of surprises.

He felt a burst of excitement when his homeroom teacher suddenly said, "I'll be handing out printouts for you to fill out for your desired life-course." There was a pause. Probably for dramatic effect.

"What is this, some kind of Shounen anime?"

The teacher continued, "But who am I kidding? You all want to be heroes, don't you!"

The class absolutely erupted with excited exclamations. Izuku's smile widened. Yes, he did want to become a hero. Even though his chances were slim to none, he had to try. After all, having a hero licence would make it easier for him to get up close and personal to villains with extremely dangerous Quirks. Izuku positively shook in pleasure as he imagined being attacked by a fatal Quirk.

Suddenly, a gruff, angry sounding voice broke out over top of the loud chattering, and Izuku shivered with glee for a different reason. Katsuki Bakugo. One of the school's best and brightest. His Quirk was extremely powerful, and the teen knew it. Yes, the boy was hot-headed, arrogant, and delightfully dangerous. Oh, and Izuku's former childhood friend. The blonde's Quirk was brilliant, and there wasn't a single day that went by that he didn't remind the class about it.

"Don't lump me in with everybody else, Sensei! You can't compare me to these weak-ass losers'  Quirks. Mine's in a whole other ballgame!"

Kacchan laughed as the class exploded with retorts.

"Ah, that's right. You're aiming for Yuuei High, aren't you Bakugo..." the teacher said, looking over sheets of paperwork.

Katsuki hopped up onto a desk, beginning a mantra of goals he had, but before he could get too far, someone else cut in. "Didn't Midoriya wanna get into that school, too?"

Kacchan froze and Izuku could feel the anger coming off him in waves. Izuku groaned inwardly. As much as Bakugo's tantrums amused and excited Izuku, he didn't fancy being yelled at everyday. Oh well.

The class had started laughing at him and Katsuki destroyed his desk. Again. "Third time this week."

Izuku let Bakugo run his mouth quietly. He adored Kacchan, but the boy was just so closeminded, it was exhausting sometimes.

Izuku had to sit on the floor or the rest of the class period.


After class, Izuku had expected to leave without issue, but Katsuki always had been unpredictable.

"We're not done here, Deku." The blonde proceeded to yank Izuku's journal from his hands and blew it up before tossing it out the window. Izuku's permanent smile faltered. Anger welled up in his chest. How dare he. How dare he.

"Listen up, nerd. I'm the only one who's getting into Yuuei, understand? I'll be the first person from this dump to actually do something important with my life." Katsuki smiled dangerously. "So what I'm saying is, give up on Yuuei, before I make you. Got that?"

Before leaving, the boy said over his shoulder, "If you wanna be a hero so bad, you should take a swandive off the roof, and pray you get a Quirk in the next life." He laughed, finally exiting.

Izuku swallowed down his rage. It wouldn't do to get mad at his favorite person.

Anyway, he had a notebook to go save from becoming fish food.


Izuku chose a different path than usual to get home that day. A little underpass that was virtually empty. He didn't know why he chose it. He supposed he just felt like a change of scenery.

He froze at a clanking sound from behind him. The manhole cover.

It burst suddenly, and an explosion of slime came from it. The green sludge had two red, beady eyes that fixed on Izuku's body almost immediately. The poor boy didn't stand a chance as the villain latched onto him, immediately going for Izuku's mouth, forcing its way into his throat.

Izuku gagged at the taste, not listening to whatever the villain was prattling on about. All Izuku could think about was how he couldn't breathe. His normally logical mind had clouded over with a strange emotion. Fear, perhaps? It was the normal response to being assaulted, right?

Izuku thrashed about, clawing at liquid desperately. His vision was fuzzy, and he could feel the slime reach his stomach, already sick of trying to force its way into his lungs. This was it. He was going to die. His vision was almost completely black now, covered in sparkly dots.

"At least," he thought, "I'm going out by the hands of a villain."

And then, the world slipped from his view.


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