Chapter Three: Allmight and Burnt Sewage (Part 2)

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Last Time, on Obsession: Izuku finally meets his idol, and Allmight meets his number one fan!
Izuku discovers a secret side to the hero, and Allmight gets a sinking suspicion that something's just not right the young teen in front of him. WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? Find out now.

Izuku shivered at this new find. A shapeshifting Quirk, perhaps? No, no. Shapeshifting wouldn't come with the immense strength and speed Allmight had.

Izuku clapped his hands together, willing himself to calm down. Allmight would explain some things, and then Izuku could go from there.

The formerly muscular hero plopped down on the roof with a sigh.

"Listen, kid..."

The man proceeded to explain why he was like how he is. About his wound and a mysterious fight that wasn't put on the air. Izuku was intrigued, at least at first. After a while, his thoughts started to drift. A villain powerful enough to injure Allmight this much when the hero was in his prime? Delectable sounding. The curly haired boy licked his lips subtly. "I would like to meet that person one day, I think."

"In short, kid. No. You can't be a hero without a Quirk."

Izuku's eye twitched. Of course he already knew that, but to hear it straight from the horse's mouth was... saddening. "Oh." He said simply.

The hero carded a hand through his hair, opening his mouth to apologize. This time, an explosion from within the city interrupted him.

Green slime had blasted into the air, and Izuku watched, fascinated as a burst of flame erupted as well.

Allmight frantically searched his pockets, realizing only now that he had dropped the soda bottles. The hero cursed, running off down the stairs of the building. Izuku stayed where he was and just watched the thick smoke rising into the air. He lifted his face and inhaled deeply.

"Smells like Kacchan..."

The boy smiled blissfully, rubbing his thighs together subtly, cheeks tinged pink. He blinked heavily, turning to the roof's door. "Better go see if he's alright," he hummed, making his way off the building.


The street was crowded with morbidly curious civilians. Izuku wondered idly if they got off to watching teenagers suffocate to death. Probably.

Katsuki Bakugo was hopelessly ensnared in disgusting sludge. Of course he was putting up a valiant effort, but there was only so much one could do to someone almost made entirely of... water? It probably wasn't water, but the alternative made even Izuku gag.

Izuku frowned, looking around. None of the heroes were doing anything. And where was Allmight?

Oh right. The timer on his Quirk was still at zero.

"Useless," a voice inside his head growled, "when it comes down to it, Allmight's Quirk is worthless."

A more logical part of him disagreed, saying that the amount of people he had saved before way out numbered the people he didn't, statistically.

But Izuku didn't care about statistics, not at that moment. He only cared that his Kacchan was being killed by a villain with an absolutely repulsive Quirk. Izuku would not stand for it.

Suddenly, his feet were carrying him forward, past the barrier, and into the fray.

Kacchan's red eyes flicked up to meet Izuku's when the black haired teen threw his backpack at the villain, momentarily freezing it.

The champagne haired boy was struggling, Izuku could tell. His eyes were blown wide, pupils sheer pinpricks of black in his irises.

Izuku jumped up as high as he could, reaching for the villain's obviously volatile eyes. A sick, open lipped grin lit his face as his palm came in contact with the squishy globe of one eyeball, hand squeezing it, but not yet completely destroying it.

The villain screamed in agony, reaching out with slimey tendrils to trap Izuku as well. Thankfully, a familiar cry sounded at that moment. A triumphant "I AM HERE!" came from nowhere, and the man who produced it practically annihilated the sludge villain.

And after a force of wind so strong that it changed the weather, Izuku found himself sitting on the road with a delicate, bloodshot orb resting in his hand, listening to professional heroes berate him for his foolishness.


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