Interlude: Cops are Idiots (except for Naomasa)

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//I was looking over older chapters, and I might do heavy editing in the future. They kind of feel like an edgy 12 year old with good grammar wrote them//

Izuku gripped the giant grey hand like it was a part of his body. He drew no attention to it, acting as if it was normal for a fifteen year old to be toting around a huge severed hand.

Thankfully, the police had bigger things to focus on aside from him.

Well, most of them, anyway.

The hairs on the back of Izuku's neck stood on end and a feeling of unease filled him. Someone was watching him. He tilted his head, eyes sliding to the side and catching on one figure. A tall, dark haired detective.

Izuku's mouth, which had fell into a more neutral position after the attack, pulled into a grin so wide that it made his cheeks twinge uncomfortably.

When the cop's eyes widened with some emotion Izuku couldn't pinpoint, the boy closed his mouth and offered up a sweeter, softer smile and continued on his way.

He felt strangely delighted at the look the detective gave him. A look that Kacchan had given him years ago, but different. There was no desire to keep the detective like he wishes to with Kacchan. No. The detective just didn't strike the right chords.

Izuku practically skipped off to his next destination: the back end of an ambulance where Kacchan was loudly arguing against having any lingering shock, and, off to the side, stood Todoroki. Both his favorite people.

Soon, his mind whispered, soon they would both look at him with that sweeter-than-honey look. They would look at him, and see him, and be his to keep.


Naomasa watched the boy as he went to go join his classmates near a parked ambulance.

There was something unnerving- almost sinister about him. Naomasa could safely say that a child had never struck fear into his heart like this one. That smile, so entirely empty and meaningless, yet somehow predatory gave him chills. And not in a good way.

And the hand the kid somehow got past the other police- it didn't look like part of a costume. He wasn't even wearing a costume, just his gym uniform.

Naomasa made a mental note to keep an eye on the child. Check up on his records, discuss things with teachers and parents. The kid could be a wild card.

Or, another part of his mind chimed in, he could just be a normal kid. Plenty of Quirk users looked odd or gave off a strange aura. Don't jump to conclusions.

Naomasa let out a heavy sigh. Maybe he should bounce his theories off someone who wasn't himself. He glanced to where Toshinori had left the building unnoticed.

Some advice from an old friend.


//If I made a Ko-Fi that had a reward system, would any of y'all donate? Just wondering.//

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