Chapter Eight: First Day- Part 1

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//A/N: Alright. Please bear with me here. These next couple of chapters are probably gonna be short and boring, because I am trying my best to pull myself out of the unmotivated hole I dug myself by taking a hiatus. I have many regrets. Damn. I really wish I could skip to exciting parts, but doing that would throw off the story's pacing. I'm dreading yall's response because this is the shortest chapter yet. Gomen nasai.//


Izuku felt pride wash through him as he finished nailing a board in place. He had spent the last week or so, before school started up, building display shelves in the back of his closet.

There wasn't much on it. Just Kacchan's... pants... and the, now torn up and kind of stringy, eyeball. But he knew he would expand it. Eventually.

And now, the most prestigious high school for heroes in all of Japan awaited him for tomorrow.

Izuku stretched his arm behind his head and wandered out of his room towards the living room.

"I know he's my son, but you don't understand."

Izuku froze at the sound of his mother's voice. She wasn't supposed to be home tonight. At least not this early. It was only 9.

"That boy terrifies me, Maiyuu. It's his eyes! You would know if you saw them. They look like his. That fucking psychopath."

Izuku grimaced, knowing who they were talking about. He turned on his heel, deciding to retreat back to his room. Nothing interesting was scheduled on TV that night anyway. And he didn't need to hear anymore of his mother's pathetic blithering.

He didn't want his mood soured before the big day.

He shut his door and locked it.


The sky was cloudless, as it should be for an occasion such as this. Izuku inhaled through his nose, catching the sour smell of car fumes as well as the smell of coffee beans as he passed a small cafe.

Izuku's usual grin softened into a smaller smile. After all, this was the day he had been working towards for a long time. His contentment was long overdue.

The walk to the school was short and otherwise not very notable. But the school itself was just as amazing as he remembered it.

The hallways were near empty, as most students had found their home rooms already, and the rubber soles of Izuku's shoes squeaked and echoed.

He continued at a leisurely pace until he reached a door with "1-A" printed on it in bold letters. Izuku took in the sheer height of the door and shrugged. It was probably to accommodate students with mutation Quirks.

Izuku took a breath and straightened his shoulders, and walked in.

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