Chapter Nine: First Day- Part 2

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//I'm definitely going to edit this chapter together with the last one. It's short again. My schedule and self-discipline have jumped out the window. Rest in pieces, update schedule.//


Silence. There was no one in the room. The lights were turned off. Strange. He could've sworn he had heard muffled voices before.

The corners of Izuku's mouth turned down. Had he stumbled into the wrong classroom? He looked at the sheet of paper in his hand.


Nope. He was definitely in the right room. He must've been hearing things.

He turned on the lights and cautiously approached a desk and sat down. His eye twitched.

The lights flickered, and then-

Noise. Sound and students suddenly popped into existence like they had always been there.

Izuku started. His hands clenched themselves into fists.

Oh god.

Did he eat Inko's food again?

Izuku's heart thudded in his chest and his eyes flickered over the scene in front of him.

What was happening?

He took a deep breath and held it, attempting to slow his heart rate. He hadn't felt this out of control in... ever. He had experienced emotion, but he hadn't felt it this fiercely before. And for what, a couple of random teenagers appearing out of midair?

Izuku loosened his fists, tapping fingers on the surface of his desk. His breathing slowed, and suddenly he was in control of himself again.

He could finally tune in on what his new classmates were doing.

Brushing away any lingering feelings, he scanned the other student's faces. There was the guy with blue-ish hair and glasses from the exam. He was frantically waving his arms up and down and berating Kacchan- Izuku took a moment to stare dreamily at the side of his face before moving on to the next person.

There didn't seem to be anyone particularly standout in the room. Izuku snorted. But then again, not all of them had a mutation Quirk, so it would be hard to tell. But as his eyes raked over the appearance of the others, they briefly snagged on a stoic looking boy with duel colored hair and heterochromatic eyes.

Izuku felt a thud in his chest and his tongue slid over his chapped lips.



They were out on the field, testing Quirks and such. Izuku was having a field day, even though he was quickly falling behind and the threat of being booted from the class loomed ahead.

Izuku wasn't worried much. He had seen the way Aizawa-sensei looked at him. That man was intrigued, and Izuku knew there was no way he was actually going to expel him. All Izuku had to do was keep the Pro Hero interested, so he put on a face of unadulterated, childlike determination, and pushed himself harder than he had before, using his "tool" whenever it was appropriate.

And as an added bonus, he got to see a lot of his classmate's Quirks in action.

And the amount of effort Kacchan was putting in was so delicious, Izuku could taste it.

Yet the duel haired boy somehow remained elusive, staying out of Izuku's radar.

It was... disappointing.


In the end, Izuku came in last. It was appalling to him, since there was a small purple thing that didn't seem too adept at... Anything, really.

Izuku shrugged it off, though. Because he was right. Aizawa did not boot him off.

For someone said to be mysterious, Mr. Eraser-Head wasn't very difficult to read.

And Izuku walked home satisfied, ignoring Katsuki's enraged shouting for being able to make it into the school.

Ignoring the way the edges of his vision seemed to swirl and flicker.


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