Chapter Seven: Remember

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"Hey, old lady!" His shrill, childish voice rang through the house, red eyes trained on the woman in front of him.

"Katsuki," His mother yelled, what did I tell you about respect?!" Her hand came down firmly, though not harshly, to smack the back of his head.

He scowled at her for a moment before opening his mouth. "'Zuku invited me to his house today, remember?"

Mitsuki hummed, turning back to the stove. "Yes, I do believe something like that did happen."

"And he said Ms. Midoriya would take us to the playground."

"Did he now?"


"And your point is...?"

"Ugh, Moooommmm...." Katsuki whined.

"Use your manners, squirt."

"Fine, damnit! Can we please go over to Izuku's place?"

"Maybe, after you do your chores."

The little child huffed, crossing his arms. "Fine-uh!" he grumbled in his squeaky voice, stomping out of the kitchen.


Izuku's apartment was small, in Katsuki's opinion, and he made sure Izuku knew it.

"When we become pro-heroes, you're gonna have to buy a new place," Katsuki stated, dragging Izuku by the hand as they readied to leave for the park.

Izuku agreed in his bland voice, a small smile on his face.

That was the thing about Izuku. He never disagreed with Katsuki, never had any opposing arguments with him, and to some degree, Katsuki liked it that way. But sometimes it was disconcerting, especially since Izuku even let Katsuki choose what kind of ice cream he got.

And sometimes, Katsuki got annoyed with him. He would yell at the smaller boy to make up his own mind, but that just seemed to make Izuku cling tighter.

Katsuki zipped up his coat. Winter was on the horizon, and though it was hard for him to get cold, he didn't want to deal with old ladies nagging at him.


Katsuki's favorite place to bring Izuku was always the park.

At the park, Izuku's eyes seemed to brighten up, leaving the dull green space behind. Izuku's voice would actually fluctuate with emotion, and Katsuki felt at ease.

Until one day, Izuku came to school with even colder eyes than normal. Katsuki found out why when he announced he was Quirkless.

Katsuki stopped being friendly towards Izuku on that day, and contrary to what he and other people said, it wasn't because Izuku was without a Quirk. Katsuki wasn't that petty. No, Katsuki hated the way Izuku's eyes looked through everything. He hated the airy sound of his voice.

It stirred something in the little boy's chest. Some kind of distant subconscious fear that something wasn't right.

Izuku had become something to avoid.


Katsuki woke while the moon was still high. His mouth felt dry and gummy, and his sheets we're soaked in nitroglycerin. He sat up, wondering what had disturbed him. Blinking a few times he realized exactly what it was.

He swung his legs over the edge of his bed, wandering to the window.

It was open just a crack. Barely enough to stir the curtains. He opened it quickly, sticking his head out, with his eyes narrowed.

In the distance there was a silhouette of a figure disappearing around a corner.


Panting softly, Izuku Midoriya slumped against an alley wall and pulled down his hood.

It was a close call. Katsuki was such a light sleeper.

Izuku pulled a pair of boxers out of his hoodie pocket, smile wide, pupils blown wide. He oh so wanted to smell them, but that would just make the scent fade faster.

For now, Izuku just admired them before turning down the alley and heading home.

//is Izuku a yandere? Probably.//
//Also, I'm not off hiatus yet, I was just bored during lunch so I figured I'd finish this. It's short, but I like it.//

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