Chapter Two: Allmight and Burnt Sewage(Part 1)

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Sensation came back to him first.

He could feel jagged asphalt digging into his back, biting through his clothes. Not only that, but he felt a hand on his face. It was slapping him in a rapid fashion. Annoying.

Izuku scrunched up his nose, peeling his eyes open. A blurry figure was crouched in front of him.

"Ah, thank goodness you're okay!"

The figure, a man, came fully into focus, and Izuku nearly choked on his own spit. "Allmight!" Izuku's trademark grin could've split his face in half with how big it was. Other than that, the boy made no other indication of his excitement or surprise.

Allmight looked slightly disheartened at the apparent lack of enthusiasm. The man coughed awkwardly when the boy said nothing. He stood fully and straightened his back. "Well, anyway! I must thank you, young man! With your help I successfully ensnared the villain!" Allmight held up a soda bottle filled with green slime. "Now, I'm off to deliver this perpetrator to the authorities. When we meet again, it'll be through a TV screen!"

Izuku realized the man he had idolized for his entire life was about to leave. Izuku had so many questions, and this would probably be his only chance to ask him them! Not only that, but he had a few plans that could only come into fruition if he was in close proximity to the Number One Hero.

The boy jumped up, starting towards Allmight. "Wait-" but it was too late. The man leaped into the air. "No!" Izuku thought, putting on a sudden burst of speed and grabbing onto the hero's leg.

And then he was flying through the air. Izuku felt his heart beat rapidly in his chest as he tried to get a better hold on the hero. The boy was so close to the man, he could practically feel the power pulsing through Allmight's veins.

But he couldn't dwell on that, as Allmight had started trying to pry the child off him.

"If I let go, I'll die!" Izuku shouted over the wind. Huh. That was the first full sentence he had said to his idol. Kinda underwhelming.

The blonde haired man agreed and turned his attention outward, looking for a place to land.


Once on top of a skyscraper, Allmight made to leave again. But Izuku couldn't let him. He had a question he had been dying to ask.

"Allmight," the boy said, putting as much desperation in his voice as possible. The man turned around to tell the kid that he really couldn't stay- and froze.

The way the young man was looking at him was chilling, for he'd never seen that look on a child's face before. A smile still graced the teen's lips, but it was taut and robotic. And his eyes held knowledge- knowledge no-one should possess.

"Allmight," Izuku said again, "Tell me, what is your actual Quirk?"

It would've been such an innocent question, coming from anyone else's mouth, but- No. No, this little boy couldn't know the truth about his Quirk. Allmight had never even seen him before. Allmight shook his head, regaining composure.

"Why, it's superstrength of course!"

"Liar," Izuku wanted to say. "I know there's something more to it." But he couldn't. He decided to ask a different question instead.

"Oh." He stated simply. "We'll I have one more question, then. Do you think..." Izuku looked down at his shoes and let his smile slip a little; the epitome of a shy, awkward child. "Do you think that even a Quirkless person can be like you some day?"

"Kid-" Allmight was cut off with a cough and a sputter of blood.

Izuku lifted and eyebrow as the hero was suddenly engulfed in a cloud of steam. And when the white vapor cleared, a small, skeletal man was standing where the tall, buff hero used to be.

For once, Izuku was genuinely surprised. In fact, he even stumbled back a step or two. His mind went into overdrive.

"Interesting!" His inner voice screamed at him. "Interesting! Learn more! Find out more! Pick him apart and put him back together again!"

Yes. His all time favorite hero had just become a lot more intriguing.

A/N: I had to cut the chapter off there because the final product could've ended up almost 2000 words long. I also needed to get this out because I'm thinking I'll make an update schedule. I'll try to keep it as a chapter every Sunday. Hopefully I stick with it. No promises.

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