Chapter Twelve: The Intrigue of Villains Pt. 1

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//I did it. I finished the chapter. Finally. I apologize for taking so long, but things got crazy. First I got a job, then my cat died, then I got my braces off, then I failed my driver's permit test- It's just been a lot. And it doesn't take much for me to burn out. I'm weak like that//

Weeks had passed since the shadowy figure had appeared in Izuku's room. Now it thrummed with a strange aura that seemed to energize Izuku. The boy thought it whispered to him sometimes, but the words were never comprehensible.

He had also made very little progress in approaching Todoroki. Of course, mapping his pathway home was easy, even if some days he took a detour to stand outside a hospital for a few minutes. They way his eyes got all clouded and stormy made Izuku's knees go wobbly and jello-like.

Todoroki-watching had made Izuku aware of the differences in his two lovelies. While Katsuki's attractiveness appeared in his firey (accidental pun, oops) disposition and his unbridled outward passion for becoming the best- Todoroki's ferocity was quiet. He struck silently, prefering efficiency over needless words.

They were both so different, and yet they both made Izuku salivate. And that was just without their Quirks!

Powerful Quirks. Quirks that someone would kill for.

Not that Izuku would let that happen, of course.


The class was going on a field trip for their next lesson.

Izuku trailed after them all, ignoring the kid with the glasses as he frantically ordered them on the bus. Todoroki's eyes were distant, as always, Izuku noted. Swiveling his head, he watched Kacchan scowl at a red-headed boy with sharp teeth. Izuku absently remembered his Quirk had something to do with hardening.

By now, Izuku had an entire section in his notebook dedicated to jotting down his classmates Quirks, as well as their physical descriptions. Perhaps he should put thought into learning their names. Categorizing them would be easier.

The class piled into the bus, all of them chatting excitedly. Except for Todoroki, however, who meerly closed his eyes and leaned back.

Izuku's cheeks felt warm. He'd never seen Todoroki's neck so exposed before.

The ride was boring, although Kacchan did end up getting teased a bit, which Izuku most certainly did not approve of.

The building they were supposed to have their lesson in was aptly called the USJ. The name was slightly amusing, but what really caught the  greenette's attention, was the new instructor.

The space hero: Thirteen. Their Quirk? Black Hole.

Izuku's smile felt painful on his face as it stretched wider.

Thirteen's Quirk was very powerful, even though hardly anyone talked about them since they were primarily rescue based.

Izuku felt his machine rub against his arm as Thirteen began explaining each of the disaster zones. He wondered just how much use it would be in a situation like this. Adjustments would need to be made. He was due for an upgrade...

He was soon pulled from his thoughts as he realized his classmates were gasping in surprise. He lifted his head, puzzled for a moment, until he saw it. A massive amount of purple mist had materialized in the center of the building, much to even the instructors' surprise.

"Is this part of the lesson?" one of his classmates asked as people began pouring out through the rift.

Izuku scowled, reacting without thinking. "Does it look like that, idiot-" he began before clamping his mouth shut again. Thankfully, his outburst went unnoticed as all hell broke loose.

Fanart Corner

Fanart By: @Very_Gay_Potato666

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Fanart By: @Very_Gay_Potato666

Fanart By: @Very_Gay_Potato666

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Fanart By: @shinjiaru

Thank you guys! These are amazing. <3

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