Interlude: Toshinori Yagi

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A thin, blonde man walked down a hallway of U.A. high school. A hand swept over his face tiredly, focusing on not tripping over the oversized suit that he had to wear in case of... emergencies.

He was on his way to watch potential students participate in exams. Honestly, he was a little thrilled. He could look for a successor...


The blonde man immediately stopped, turning to face the speaker. A grin lit up his face. "Aizawa! How can I help you?"

A pale man stood in front of him, dark bags hanging under bloodshot eyes.

"No. Not really. I just wanted to inform you that we have an interesting batch of kids this year." Aizawa said with a distinct lack of passion, pulling a folder out from under his arm. "Says here that there's a Quirkless kid trying to get in. That or no one listed his actual Quirk. Should've never changed the rules; that kid's gonna be torn to pieces..."

Toshinori muttered a vague agreement, though his mind was elsewhere. A Quirkless kid, huh?

He shook his head. No way it could be that same one, could it?

Toshinori shook his head, bringing himself out of his thoughts. Aizawa was looking at him with an eyebrow raised. The blonde man waved him off.

"Let's get down to the judges room, shall we?"

"Mm." was all that Aizawa responded with. Toshinori took it as a yes.


Toshinori couldn't help the gasp that came out of his mouth when he saw him. The little Quirkless kid who had run straight into the battle with the slime villain. Toshinori leaned forward on his seat, skeletal hands clutching the armrests of the chair.  The kid obviously didn't take Toshinori's advice about being a hero in a different way. That kind of determination was good sometimes, but not when it put his life in danger.

"Look at that!" A little mouse-bear-creature-thing cried out in amazement. Principal Nedzu, of course. A small paw was out stretched in excitement, pointing to the greenish-black haired boy.

A burst of flame had come from the boy's sleeve, destroying a robotic "villain" in seconds. Was that even allowed? Nedzu didn't seem upset by it. In fact, he seemed pleased.

"Wouldn't it be interesting to have a brilliant mind like his in the hero course." The intelligent animal mumbled to himself.

It just worried Toshinori even more. Something about the boy made the man uneasy.


   There was barely a minute left in the exam when the 0-pointer was released.

Toshinori watch with mild interest as most all students ran the other way. Except for three. The boy with the hollow eyes, another male potential student, and a crushed female examinee. He watched as both boys seemed to be assessing the situation. The blonde man grimaced as neither one did anything for a moment. Toshinori pressed a button, zooming the camera in on the scene. And for a split second, his eyes landed on the green eyed boy, whose mouth was split into what seemed like a grin. But before Toshinori could be sure... the cameras cut out.

A/N: you can yell at me for this pathetic excuse for an update. I've just had a busy week. First I had a competition to participate in, then I had a project to do for my psych class, now I have an over due assignment for biology and it's like AAAAAA. Y'know? So yeah. You get an interlude. The next update will actually progress the story.

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