Chapter Fourteen: An Oopsie Has Occurred

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Izuku watched in awe as the number one hero buried his fist in the monstrosity's gut over and over again, and relished Shigaraki's sounds of distress.

"Young Midoriya!" Allmight called out, "Please, get yourself to safety!"

Izuku squirmed in place. On one hand, standing this close to an all out brawl between two powerhouses was a recipe for getting accidentally annihilated. On the other hand, this was a once in a lifetime experience.

Oh, if only he had brought his camera!

Eventually, Izuku nodded, resigning to falling back towards his other classmates.

The other students were looking at him oddly as he approached the haggard group.

"Midoriya," a voice said from behind him.


Izuku turned around, face on fire. "Y-yes?"

"Why do you have that." The question was phrased like a statement as Todoroki gestured to the giant severed hand Izuku was clutching.


"Oh, uh, I- ah-"


Izuku blinked, noticing the portal that had opened behind Todoroki. A pale, knarled hand reached out, close to touching his Shoto's face.

Izuku pushed Todoroki out of the way, reaching out and grabbing Shigaraki's wrist. It made a creaking noise as Izuku squeezed, and then-


Bursts of flame shot out of Izuku's most successful and useful inventions, scorching Shigaraki's hand into a charred husk. Izuku let go before his own hand could get caught in the flames.

Izuku stepped back as the portal closed, glancing back at his classmates and Todoroki. Shock and disgust adorned all their faces. So Izuku did the only thing he could think of.

Turn on the waterworks.

Izuku's lower lip trembled as his eyes filled with tears.

"Oh my god," he sobbed out, looking at his hand as if it was some kind of foreign entity.

A glance back at his classmates showed that their faces had softened. Each of them looked at him with tentative empathy.

All of them except Kacchan, who had made his way over at some point.

"What the fuck are we all just standin around here for?"

That seemed to jump start everyone into reacting to the still on-going chaos around them, and Izuku, the hand, and the fire were seemingly forgotten.


The other pro-heros showed up to drive off the remains of the League of Villains.

The day was saved. Now, Izuku just had to somehow keep the police from confiscating the hand....


//hi? Hello? Um... So this is a really short chapter, and it's kind of boring considering it's the USJ arc, but I'm just trying to get this fic up and running again for the New Year.//

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