Chapter 4: Inko and Other Domestic Activities

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Last time on Obsession: Izuku got to chat with Allmight, but their little heart to heart was interrupted by the nefarious slime villain! Izuku rushes to save Katsuki's tail, and ends up with his first prize: the eyeball of a low-tier villain.

Will Allmight train and transfer his power to Izuku? Will Izuku keep the eye or throw it away? FIND OUT NOW

Izuku stared at the drying orb in his hand as he walked down the street towards his apartment building. It was fascinating, even if it did come from a criminal with a less than desirable Quirk. It was weird, though, how none of the heroes had spared a glance at the eye when he just walked away from the crime scene with it. Was he really that unnoticeable?

He swung the eye by its nearly translucent cord, making it go around in circles as he thought.

Perhaps a plain appearance is useful. How much stuff could he get away with, being in the background? How much had he already gotten away with?

He hummed, placing the eye in his still damp bag for safe keeping, continuing onward.

He was only walking for five more minutes when a gust of wind and a whooshing sound stopped him in his tracks. There, seemingly from out of nowhere, was Allmight, who then promptly reverted into his tiny weakling figure.

"Young man!" He started out valiantly, "I have something to tell you!"

Izuku blinked up at him, a vague expression of disinterest spreading over his freckled face.

"What you did today was very brave, Young Midoriya. Heroic even! And I wish so desperately that I could give my power to you. To have a hand in creating a new symbol of peace." The man clamped a spindly hand on Izuku's shoulder. Dark blue eyes searched the boy in front of him, all he got was a cold, blank intelligence. His frown deepened. To pass One For All onto a person like this... would not fair well, he thinks.

Meanwhile, Izuku was sorting through what the hero had said and storing the information for later. "To give my power to you."
It could've been a simple wistful sentence, but Izuku knew how to pick out a loaded statement when he heard one. But what exactly did it hint at?

Allmight sighed. "Alas, my dear boy I think it would be better if you focused on other things. Cultivated your own uh... special talents. You can do great things, I'm sure. In your own way." The man rested a hand patronizingly on Izuku's head, ruffling greenish black curls as he walked past. "Have a nice night, Izuku Midoriya. Stay safe."

Izuku was left standing alone, on a silent street, to fester in peace.


Inko Midoriya was home for a change. Izuku could tell by the sound of the clanking of pots and pans from the kitchen. She was making dinner for once. It made Izuku suspicious.

The boy entered the kitchen silently, observing the woman at the oven. Inko had not aged as well as one might think. Her hair had become thin and stringy; premature streaks of white and grey lined her once silky black locks. Her eyes had a sunken in, haunted look to them and prominent crowsfeet had etched themselves into her skin. On top of all that, she was extremely thin, deathly so. His mom had never been the picture of health, but this.... This had only happened when his father bailed and she discovered her only legacy was a Quirkless weirdo.

"Mother," he greeted tonelessly.

Inko didn't turn. "Welcome home, Izu. Did you have a good day?" A generic question that demanded an equally generic answer.

"It was fine. What's for dinner?"

"It's just rice tonight, I'm afraid. I was going to make fish as well, but we don't have the proper seasoning."

Izuku was skeptical. "Uh-huh." He eyed his mom once again. "I'll be in my room."

Izuku retreated as fast as possible. It always made him rather uncomfortable, being in the same room as the skeletal woman. Maybe it was the way she looked at him with thinly veiled contempt, only to speak to him in motherly tones. Maybe it was the way that everytime he ate her food, he was suddenly waking up the next morning with no memory of going to bed the night before.

It was most likely both.

Izuku sat at the desk in his room, unzipping his bag and taking out the miraculously still moist eyeball. He placed the thing carefully on the wooden surface, standing up and walking to the other side of the room and returning with a glass jar filled with liquid he swiped from the science room the month before.

He lowered the eye by its cord into the jar slowly, until it was completely covered.

The smile which had fell during the conversation with Allmight and that had stayed away when he spoke with his mom, returned full force when he placed the lid back on the container and admired his trophy.

Focus on other things, Allmight had said. That left a lot of options open, Izuku thought as he turned the glass around. Yes. Izuku Midoriya had many different interests he could focus on.

"Izuku! Dinner's ready!"

Izuku set down the eyeball-jar on a shelf on the way out of his room.
The first thing he should focus on, was pretending to eat his mother's obviously drugged food. He did not want to spend the next school day sluggish and aching. Being tired always made him think less than pleasant things.

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