Chapter Six: Told You So.

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((I thought today was Thursday, but it's not so here's a kind of rushed chapter. Also I don't remember how long it takes for the letter to get to the students sooo, I made it up))

Izuku was lying in his bed on his back. It was the day after the entrance exam, and he was still waiting for the acceptance letter. He knew he was getting in. There was no way he couldn't.

Principal Nedzu was a curious little thing, and Izuku was counting on just that. And plus, he had gotten enough points to appease any other judges.

Izuku blinked as he heard a crash from the living room before ththe sound of pounding feet got close to his door.

That would be his mother with the mail. He smirked, sitting up.

There was a tentative knock on the door, completely opposite of the frantic noises from before.

"I-Izuku, there's a letter here for you," came Inko's voice.

"Slide it under the door, please," Izuku responded. His heart had started to pound.

Excitement. Anticipation. And an arrogant feeling that he already knew the outcome.
The sound of floorboards creaking reached him as Inko bent down to pass the letter under the crack between the floor and the door.

"Thanks, Mom." Izuku's voice was breathless. He lifted the rather small, white envelope with a gentleness only comparable to a mother holding her newborn baby.

His eyes had went round, displaying emotion that Izuku had thought had died out a long time ago. He went over to his desk, sitting down. His fingers trembled as he took hold of the corner of the envelope. He tore it open bit by bit, making sure the tear was in a straight line as to not disturb the contents, until finally, finally, it was open.

His slim fingers entered the folds and took out a small, circular device. It hummed in his hand for a moment, before a screen of blue light opened up in front of him.

'A holographic letter', Izuku thought, excitement renewed. U.A., the most prestigious school for heroes.

All Might was pictured there, his own permanent smile looking strained. "Midoriya, my boy! Did I surprise you?"

'Not really,' Izuku responded in his head.

"Don't bother answering; this is a prerecorded message!"

Izuku rolled his eyes.

"I won't keep you waiting any longer, Midoriya! You did excellent on both your written and practical exam! And so I, and other teachers in the hero division, have came to a decision. You, Izuku Midoriya, have been accepted into the U.A. High School!"

Izuku could've screamed right then and there, but he contained himself, settling for a simple wriggle of glee. This was it.

The moment he had been waiting for since he was four.

He couldn't wait to tell Kacchan.


Izuku was expecting to punch to his face, and he calmly took it in stride.

"You-you DAMN NERD!" Katsuki roared. There was no point in telling him to keep it down or remind him that they were in a relatively public area. Things like that would just enrage him further. "You couldn't have gotten in! You cheated, didn't you? DIDN'T YOU?!"

Izuku didn't respond, simply looking up at him with dull green eyes. Katsuki screamed, palms igniting with bursts of fire.

Izuku loved Kacchan's passion. His unbridled anger. His Quirk.

Izuku loved Kacchan. He knew he did, as he watched the blonde rage in front of him. That was the only explanation to this feeling in his chest.

"Aren't you proud of me, Kacchan?" Izuku asked, cutting off the other's raving. "I told you I would do it. Remember, Kacchan? I told you. I promised you, Kacchan."

Katsuki glared, disgusted, at Izuku. It wasn't from the ominous way the greenette spoke, no. Katsuki was used to that. He was disgusted because this Quirkless freak really thought he would remember such a meaningless promise from years ago.

"What the fuck ever, Deku." He growled. "Shove it up your ass." Anger sufficiently quelled for the moment, Katsuki turned and left.

And yet, as the boy with ruby eyes slept that night, he dreamt of a time that seemed far away. Of a forgotten promise. And of a boy who's sparkling eyes had dulled into chips of moss-stained rock.

((The next chapter is a flashback chapter *(^o^)/*))

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