Chapter Five: If You Smuggle In a Weapon...

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//Long Amalgamation Chapter Alert//

Last Time on Obsession: Allmight rejects Izuku out of fear of what Izuku could do with a Quirk like One For All, and we learned a bit about Izuku's home life. Like how Inko Midoriya is not a good person.


When Izuku woke the next day, he was refreshed, and a little thrilled. That was good. It meant he didn't accidentally ingest his mother's food. The thrill came from remembering the little eye in the glass jar. The jar originally had the unborn fetus of a deer from America or something. Izuku had found the tiny, disproportioned body interesting, so he took it. Eventually, though, like most things, Izuku got bored with it, and the jar sat in his closet. Where the deer fetus was now, was unimportant. Pretend he gave it a nice funeral and buried it if you like.

Izuku hopped out of bed, completing his morning rituals, and thinking of how he was going to integrate the little eye into his plans for the future. Despite what Allmight had said, Izuku was going to get into the hero program, even if it killed him.

He plucked up the jar with a contemplative "hmm." He was going to have to do a lot of observing, he thought, an idea slowly forming in his mind. A lot of observing and... collecting. He donned his smile and set the jar on his desk with a small clack. He scooped up his backpack, and left the apartment without checking to see if Inko was still home, because frankly, he didn't care. He had something much more important on his mind, and it was exciting him to no end.


At school, there was an influx of people talking about the slime attack. But mostly, they were talking about Kacchan. He scowled (yes, really) as he noticed a trio of girls had crowded around Kacchan (who looked annoyed, honestly), asking questions way too enthusiastically in Izuku's opinion. And that wasn't even the worst part. No, these girls were disgustingly plain, not only in their looks, but in their Quirks.

"Ooo! You can make waterdroplets float around your fingers, whoop dee fucking do." Izuku ranted silently.

Those girls weren't worthy to be in the presence of such a great Quirk like Bakugo's. Revolting, really. He should put frogs in their lockers again.

Izuku continued down the hall, deciding to ignore them for now. He had a plan to finish hatching.


Izuku rested his chin on one of his hands, narrowed eyes observing the way sweat beaded on Kacchan's brow even when he wasn't exerting himself. His thin hand sketched out a word on his notebook.


A flammable liquid that emits a strangely sweet smell.

Izuku closed his eyes. Nitroglycerin is also said to have a nice taste. Kacchan would taste delicious.

He shook his head quickly. He couldn't focus on that right now. He bent his head towards his paper, scribbling out the inner workings of his plan.

"Focus on other things."

Focus on Katsuki's sweat; on the possibility of extracting slime from the eyeball; on lighting something on fire without anyone noticing.

Focus on creating a hidden weapon for the U.A. entrance exams.


After school- after seeing Kacchan's popularity spike- Izuku was nervous for him. Sure, Kacchan thrived under some attention, but sooner or later it would get too much for the poor boy, Izuku was sure.

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