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*Major Editing Revamp as of May 2024*

Hello and welcome to my story! Thank you for giving my story a chance! I have loved Reylo since the first film, and always wanted to put my own m unique spin on their story. I think this novel captures just that. It is a unique, fun, sexy story and I am so so proud of it and how far it has come since 2018. This book embodies many different aspects of myself, and it is a perfect representation of my writing style and what I wanted to see Reylo become at the end of the Star Wars series. 

Enjoy the reading!

*Set during The Force Awakens* 

"You need a teacher.  I can show you the ways of the Force!"  Kylo Ren yelled across the growing rift in the frozen earth as Star Killer Base imploded around him. The planet itself was coming apart, fracturing and breaking everywhere; tree limbs snapped like toothpicks, snow churned, and a dull fire roared deep beneath the surface. 

Snow continued to fall from above, cascading down in thick flakes that stuck to his skin, his eyelashes, his black clothes and black cape.  The glow of his saber cut through the snow, the red hue bouncing off some of the flakes and illuminating his face in the dark night. 

A ray of blue light shone from Rey's saber, which she held somewhat steadily as her hand trembled in the cold.  For never wielding a saber before, she looked surprisingly strong with it.  It fit her hand, and she looked strong with it, like she was meant to wield a lightsaber.

 He could see her breathing, the warm air coming out of her mouth every time she took a shaky breath.  The blue light bounced off her eyes, making them shine even more.   It actually accentuated the rage he saw in them, and a pang of pity shot through him.  Somehow, despite this woman being his enemy, he didn't want to hurt her, nor her feelings.  And the thought of her being angry toward him made him have an uneasy feeling.  A feeling he had not felt in a long, long time. 

The wind threatened to blow him into the chasm as it howled around the pair.  It plastered his long, dark hair to his face, obscuring his vision.  He could see Rey's eyes follow his hair, watch him closely as the wind tossed his locks about.  If he believed it could be true, it looked like she was admiring his face, perhaps considering him to look dashing amidst the snow and chaos around them. 

Kylo caught himself for a moment though and he reeled his thoughts back in before they threatened to overwhelm him.  Thoughts like those were ones he could not have.  Ever.  If Snoke even sensed those thoughts... Kylo shuddered at the thought.  He remembered the last time sympathetic, light-hearted thoughts crossed his mind.  It had ended in pain.  So  much pain, in the form of beatings and being tossed about as Snoke used the Force to teach him a violent lesson.  That had been two years ago.  But Kylo would never forget that day, nor the scars that scattered his back since Snoke slammed him into a rack of weapons which sliced through his skin and left deep scars that would never fade. 

He gritted his teeth and pushed his thoughts to bay, trying to reel himself in and focus.  Focus.   Why was he thinking about this woman in this way? This sympathetic way? He had to stay focused on the mission at hand: turning Rey into Snoke, who wouldn't be happy if she escaped again. 

At least, if Kylo captured her, he would be with her.  He would be able to train her and watch over her and protect her in anyway possible. He would be near her, and he would give anything for that.

He hoped, to the depths of his heart, however small and cold and vile it was, if he even had one, that Snoke would never find Kylo's infatuation for the girl. He had buried his feelings for her deep down where Snoke would never be able to sense them. 

Yes, from the moment he laid eyes on her, he knew that the Jakku inhabitant had been strong with the Force; intrigued he was by her, yes, but there was another feeling that kept pestering him. It was a warm feeling that bound him from within, that snatched him up and wouldn't let go no matter how hard he tried to fight it. 

Kylo didn't know what it was, but that had to be put aside for now.  If he could turn her, make her see his point of view and persuade her to train with him, maybe he could discover what these feelings were. Though, as much as he would not like to admit it, he knew what these feelings were, and what they were capable of.  They would make him form an attachment to her, an attachment that he would never be able to break if it were forged. 

Time seemed to stretch out in front of them, as only seconds has passed as chaos continued to explode around them. Rey's gaze never wavered from his, her dark irises searching his own, trying to figure out if she could trust him or not.  Trust that his proposal to train her was real and not just a ploy to get her to drop her guard so he could kill her.  

The thought of killing her, harming this woman in front of him, made his stomach churn. His heart thumped loudly at the mere thought of it.  Now, looking around that the crumbling world, Kylo knew that she would have to make up her mind quickly. The ground rocked beneath their feet, and the chasm grew, exposing more of the bright fire within the planet. 

Rey stumbled, the sudden motion knocking her off guard.  She slid slightly closer to the edge of the earth, and Kylo panicked momentarily. She caught herself at the last second, digging her saber into the rock and steadying herself. 

In a swift move that only an animal could pull off, or so Rey thought, Kylo leapt over the chasm in the earth, landing a few feet in front of her.  She couldn't figure out what she saw in his eyes.  It confused her even more, throwing her feelings into disarray. 

"Rey, take my hand." He stretched out a gloved hand, reaching it down toward her.  She hesitated momentarily, she could have sworn she saw a glimpse of fear in his eyes, though it was gone as quickly as it had appeared. 

Grasping her saber with one hand, she swung herself up and grabbed his hand,  the soft leather rubbing against her skin.  He hoisted her up like she weighed nothing, and she sheathed her saber.  He pulled her hard and she bumped into his chest, and she turned to say something. What she was going to say, she had no idea.  

Thank you? No, he just tried to kill you a few minutes ago.  Go away? He had stayed to rescue her, rather than leaving her to fall into the planet and be swallowed up. That seemed too rude.

As she opened her mouth, his hand came up to her face, and the world instantly faded to black. Kylo swung her limp frame into his arms, taking her saber from her hand and clipping it next to his on his belt.  And he tried, very hard, to not look at her beautiful face as he carried her into the darkness of the forest. 

Author's Note:

Hope you guys enjoyed my first chapter! I'd love feedback and comments. The second chapter is coming soon! :) Let me know if y'all liked the editing!

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