the dance

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Inspired by Shut up and Dance by Walk the Moon

Rey had never seen so many First Order officers and high ranking generals gathered in one place.  Clinging too tightly to Kylo Ren's arm, he guided her into the grand ball room.  Rey assumed that this very space was constructed for this purpose- to celebrate in when the Resistance was nearing its final days in the galaxy.

The large chandeliers twinkled brightly, though the lighting in the room was overall fairly dim and added a seductive and intimate ambiance to the gathering. What looked to be almost hundreds of officials roamed through the room, some standing and milling around the full buffet laid before them while others sat and talked quietly at one of the many, large tables. 

Rey peered over the crowd and glanced toward the center of the room which held a bright and pulsing dance floor with flashing lights and loud music.  There were a few officers dancing already, the sway in their movements indicating that they had already reached their alcohol limit for the night.

Outside, the galaxy twinkled around them.  Rey wondered what Finn and the others were doing now while all of these First Order officers partied and celebrated around her.  Were they safe? Or were they on the brink of being destroyed? The thought of her friends perishing amongst the stars made Rey's stomach turn over in disgust and terror.  There was nothing she could do, yet. If she caught the chance to accompany Kylo Ren to the battle, she would do so in a heartbeat if it meant she could possibly save her friends. 


Rey tore her eyes away from the vast window pane to see that Kylo was looking at her expectantly.  A tall, pale man with beady, blue eyes and bright ginger hair had appeared before them.  Rey assumed that Kylo was trying to introduce them and flashed the man a small smile. 

"Nice to meet you.  I'm Rey." She said simply.  The ginger looked her up and down, examining her closely like she was a meal and not a human being.  Kylo tensed beside her, his arms stiffening beneath her soft touch.  Anger flickered across his face at the way this man regarded Rey.  

"It seems as if a scavenger can clean up well." He sneered.  His comment didn't dig deeply with Rey, she had heard that before basically from other dwellers on Jakku. Though she could tell that Kylo's patience with the man was wearing thin.  

Rey squeezed his arm gently, pulling him back to reality and by her side.  He softened immediately at her touch, his stiffness subsiding slightly.

"And you are?" Rey asked, her voice full of boredom.  

"I am General Hux."  

Rey didn't move at the name, she didn't recognize it.  And the fact that she didn't recognize or know of Hux was engraving him.  She could feel his irritation bubbling beneath his exterior.

"Haven't heard of you." 

Kylo Ren stiffled a laugh at her remark.  Hux was too full of himself, too arrogant and stubborn and Gods did he love seeing him be brought down a few pegs by Rey.

Hux grew red immediately, his face hardening in rage.  Before he could even open his mouth, Kylo cut him off. 

"Been a pleasure as always, General Hux.  Though we would like to get some drinks now." He turned and led Rey away from Hux, who was still stood speechless.

Once they were away from Hux's earshot, Rey let out a giggle.  Kylo smiled.

"I have never seen someone put Hux so swiftly in his place, Rey."

She blushed at his comment, warmth spreading to her cheeks.  Kylo itch to reach out and stroke his thumb across her face, to feel the warmth of her skin and the softness of her skin.  But they were surrounded by officials and generals of very rank-- it was too risky. 

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