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Briefly inspired by Animals by Maroon 5.  Enjoy! :)

I hope y'all enjoyed the first chapter! Any feedback is greatly appreciated. Again, I am doing a massive editing overhaul of the whole novel, so if some parts don't flow as smoothly as others, that is why.


I will be making this novel WAY MORE SMUTTIER AND HOTTER AND MATURE so content warning for ALL chapters here on out. I will NOT always remind you. I hope y'all like what I am doing :) 

Rey awoke with a start, her eyes slamming open as her head fell back against a cold, hard surface that immediately caused her pain. She winced, gritting her teeth at the tendrils of pain that wrapped around her temple.  Her eyes squinted against the bright light that beamed down upon her. It made her eyes ache, and she longed for some darkness for once.  Back on Jakku, all she ever wanted was light, the sun, never the dark, coldness of the night air.  But now, all she wished for was the cold air that surrounded her every lonely night she spend on that planet.  

Rey tried to raise a hand to her face to block some of the light, but to her surprise, she couldn't move.  She couldn't move anything. Looking down on her figure, she noticed that large, metal restrained cuffed her to this metal chair.  She groaned against the metal, trying to wiggle her hands free, but the metal dug into her skin, causing her even more pain.

  "Dammit," she said to herself.  After trying a few futile times to maneuver her way out of the cuffs, Rey gave up.  

That was when the silence of the room engulfed her, and the rush of memories flooded back into her memory as clear as day. 

Suddenly, the rush of memories came flooding back to her. The battle.  The planet splitting apart. The look in Kylo's eyes. His strong hand lifting her from the earth. And then the darkness.  She remembered how he had put her to sleep, yet had gently lifter her into his arms and carried her to safety.

Multiple emotions flowed through her at the moment: anger, fear, and the last one was..relief? Relief that she was here, and he was here, relief that she was close to him.  She glanced around the room, looking desperately for his towering figure but found nothing.

"I'm right here, Rey." His warm voice came from the shadows, and he stepped into the bright light.  He had been reading her mind and knew that she longed to see him. 

Her heart skipped a beat at the sound of his warm, sultry voice.  His long cape trailed behind him, flowing with him as he walked toward her.  His mask was gone, thank the maker, and she could see his whole face.  Rey definitely did not mind that.  Kylo Ren smiled a little as he walked toward her, and Rey knew he has sensed her thoughts then. 

His warm, brown eyes shimmered in the blinding light, contrasting against his pale skin.  His black hair glistened as well, and Rey wanted to touch it for some reason.  She shook her head, clearing it of those odd thoughts.  Little did she know that Kylo was having those same thoughts at the moment. 

When he turned toward her, revealing the right side of his face, her heart sunk slightly.  There was the scar, the scar she had given him. It was stitched together with suturing, but it still looked red and sore and irritated.  The stitches disappeared beneath his black shirt, and guilt threatened to overwhelm her.  

His eyes still held that same look she saw in the forest.  It was something soft and warm and unknown.  She ached to discover what exactly that look in his eyes was. 

Kylo drew closer to her, gazing at her softly.  Suddenly, the restraints loosened and the pressure on Rey's appendages disappeared.  He had disengaged the cuffs.  Rey gripped her wrists, trying to relieve some of the pain in them. He must trust her an awful lot to not attempt to escape.

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