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Rey was still shivering as Kylo guided her out of the chamber, his hand now on the small of her back.  It fit perfectly into the crevice, almost like it was meant to be there, gently guiding her through the hallways of the Star Destroyer. 

The conversation with Snoke was still fresh in her mind, and would probably remain at the forefront of her head for a long while. His sinister eyes, the coldness of his voice, the crookedness of his grin. And the seriousness of his tone when he commanded Kylo to have her trained in the Dark side of the Force in three months time. 

But the pain was fresher.  The searing, brutal agony that she would not soon forget. How she had prayed for death in that moment; death would be merciful, painless, compared to the tortture Snoke had inflicted upon her.  

Rey remembered seeing Kylo out of the corner of her eye.  She could have sworn she saw him wince and turn away, a sheen covering his eyes. Like the sight of her in pain was too much for him to bear.  When she saw that, her hardness and coldness toward him softened.  It was clear he did not condone torture, especially if she was the one enduring it. 

And the way he had come to her quickly, lifting her and helping her with a feather-like touch that sent chills down her spine, though these were good chills.  They were chills Rey wanted to experience more often if she could get the opportunity too. 

Kylo led Rey down the hallway they had initially walked down, intending on taking her to her new chambers. They passed a few platoons of troopers and stray droids along the way, but it was mostly just them and the sound of their footsteps in stride with the other.

Kylo's heart still pounded in his ears, refusing to soften after what occurred in Snoke's chambers.  The utter rage that had come over him was like nothing he had ever experience before.  The sheer desire to shield Rey, to protect her, was like an instinct that had awoken from a deep slumber.  

He was determined to never have Snoke touch Rey like that ever again.  Over his dead body. But the problem of training her nagged him. How could he damage something so pure, so innocent, as Rey? Could he do it? Put her through the training he was put through years ago? The training that ripped him apart?  He didn't know if he had it in him. But if Kylo Ren did not train the woman, Snoke would.  And Snoke wouldn't show one ounce of pity or sympathy toward her.  

Kylo lead Rey down a grand, large hallway that housed all of the high-ranking officials quarters.  Kylo's was at the far end of the hallway with large, black doors.  He led Rey to a smaller door right next to his.  If he was going to train her, she needed to be close by.  And Kylo didn't min that at all. 

Rey wondered where exactly he had taken her.  Kylo turned to punch a few buttons on the panel and the door opened and allowed a wisp of air to greet them.

"After you," Kylo said, his voice smooth and soft in contrast to how heavy it had been on StarKiller Base.  Rey hesitantly stepped inside, Kylo slipping in after her before the door slid shut, leaving the two of them alone. 

Kylo flipped the lights on, which illuminated the room in front of them.  The quarters in this ship were all identical to one another, each having the same bed, closet, and desk.  The bathrooms were sizable, with a large shower and vanity that had a large, oval mirror hang over it. Since she was staying in upper-level quarters, the bathroom was larger and also housed a large tub. 

Kylo watched Rey intently as she looked around the room, taking it all in.  He laughed to himself quietly when she peeked into the bathroom, her head turning to take in all of the surroundings. 

The back wall of the room was a large panel of glass that peered into the galaxy.  Every single star twinkled down on them, shining into the room.  Rey peered out the window, clearly in awe of her view.  It was breathtaking of course, but the galaxy barely compared in beauty when Rey was here in this room, staring at it. 

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