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Enjoy this next chapter :) 


Even though this chamber or cave or whatever it was held much darkness, the pair had made many turns since entering. Rey had eventually lost count of the number of sharp turns that Kylo guided her to take.  Wherever Snoke was, he was hard to reacch that was for sure. 

Rey assumed that was purposeful, that way in case the Resistance fleet happened to storm the Star Destroyer, it would be extremely difficult for them to find their way to Snoke through the darkness and twists and turns of the chamber.

Kylo Ren, on the other hand, seemed like he had walked this chamber dozens of times.  Rey wasn't surprised that he knew which way to go; this was his Master's chambers.  Of course he frequented them more than any other person in the galaxy.  

The smell in this chamber was definitely one of the worst odors Rey had ever encountered.  And she had seen and smelt dead creatures that had baked under the Jakku son for weeks.  That smell was delightful to the one that clung to Snoke's chamber.  It was a damp smell and moisture clung to the air, but it smelled rancid and stale and like death and decay.  Like the Dark Side. 

The walls of the chamber were something entirely different.  They weren't smooth metal, panels that lined the halls of the ship.  It looked to be rocks or rock formations of some kind that comprised the walls of this place.  They were jet black, with many pores and crevices an cracks in them.  Dew droplets clung to the hard surfaces, glistening lightly in the faint light. 

The ground was rough as well, comprised of many different shaped and sized stones that threatened to throw Rey off balance and trip. The rocks were rough, not smooth like stones should be.  Finally, they arrived at a small path of smooth, small stones that led up to a large platform.  

The platform was made of grey and black stones lined perfectly and nicely in the ground.  A large hole in the ceiling cast light down into the cavern.  Rey squinted at it, her eyes adjusting to the sudden increase in light. The light was cast over a huge throne made of the same black rock that lined the walls.

And atop the throne sat a hologram of Supreme Leader Snoke. 

Kylo led her to the center of the platform which looked up at Snoke.  Fear crept down Rey's spine, the hair's along her back and neck rising as she stood in the presence of this Sith Lord. The Dark Side churned around him, enveloping him and feeding him the strength and power he needed to reek havoc and chaos and death across the galaxy. 

 Rey was very honest to admit that Snoke was very, very ugly. Snoke looked almost like a shriveled grape, with evil, beady eyes staring down at them.  His eyes held nothing expect blackness and evil.  A large scar snaked down his forehead, cutting into his brow. The sheer evil and power of the Dark Side lived in his eyes, and it terrified her momentarily before Kylo gave her a light squeeze that slammed her back into reality and out of her own mind. 

Rey stared at the throne, remembering Kylo's words of advice. He suddenly dropped to his knees beside her bowing before the Sith Lord. Quick to follow his advice, Rey followed and sunk to her knees.  The ground was cold beneath her and made her chill ever-so-slightly. 

"Rise, my apprentice."  Snoke's voice bellowed through the chamber, ringing in Rey's ears.  It was deep and menacing, dripping with bitterness and vile. 

"Supreme Leader," Kylo addressed the towering figure, his voice smooth and calm.  Kylo took Rey's arm again and guide her onto her feet.  Both of them gazed up at the intimidating figure.

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