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Hi! As of 5/7/2024, this chapter and beyond are being completely rewritten. I originally wrote this book back in high school. I was around sixteen at the time, probably a sophomore. Now, I am in my twenties and attending grad school, and I realized that I really did not like the writing in the last half of the book. 

So, I am completely rewriting it! enjoy!

If Hux had just given them a few more moments, even a more more seconds, Rey would have been on her way to Kylo's chambers right now, not to Snoke's chamber. Tension bloomed in the confines space of the elevator, threatening to suffocate them both.  She could feel the heat radiating off of Kylo, who stood just mere inches behind her.  She felt him step closer, could sense that they were mere inches apart, her back to his large chest. 

For a moment, Rey stopped breathing as the need for him to touch her was intoxicating her every thought, every desire. Twirling with him on the dance-floor, despite having all eyes on them, felt as if they were the only two people in the galaxy. The way he held her, strong yet gently as he swung her around with ease, made her heart race. The alcohol was slowly wearing off, its effects ebbing, but she was positive that she had noticed a glint of... lust in his eyes as he danced with her. She doubed that she had been that drunk to not realize that her Master, the dangerous Kylo Ren, had developed some powerful feelings toward her. 

She had felt in his body when he danced with her-- the want, the need for her. It was growing within him, threatening to surface and when it did, he would likely not be able to control it. 

"Do not speak unless he instructs you too. Let me do the talking, apprentice." His soft whisper shattered Rey's thoughts. She should be keeping them to herself, honestly, since Kylo could pry into her mind at any moment and sort through her thoughts. If he did... well, let's just say that he would defintely see some X-rated images. At night, when Rey laid in bed, alone, she often imagined things-- things between her and Kylo.

Dirty, filthy things that involved a bed and sweat and a lot of moaning. She quickly shoved those images back into the depths of her mind. If Kylo could reach them, so could Snoke. And if Snoke could see and feel her attraction, her need for Kylo, she would likely not live to take another breath. 

Whether Kylo cared about her, wanted her in a way that went above just pure, physical, sexual needs, she did not know. Though he would likely be able to hide it from Snoke a heck of a lot easier than she would be able to hide her thoughts. 

The elevator continued to rise, quickly and smoothly until it came to a halt. Carefully, gently, Kylo placed his hand on Rey's back. He felt her tense ever so slightly, yet she eased and softened into his touch almost immediately. He guided her slowly out of the elevator and into Snoke's chamber. It was dark, just as it was the last time they entered. Snoke's guards stood scattered throughout the chamber. The hologram of Snoke sat on his enormous throne, watching them with his beady eyes, though he gave nothing away as to the reason he had summoned them. 

Kylo went to bow to Snoke, while gently pressing on Rey's back to signal for her to do the same. She knelt, her dress pooling around her on the black floor. 

"Do you know why I summoned you here tonight?" Snoke said, his voice tense and angry. Kylo stood, followed by Rey whose heels clacked softly on the floor.

"No, Master." Kylo answered, keeping his voice low and unwavering; and his thoughts in check. If Snoke found out what Kylo wanted to do to his apprentice, he would be killed on the spot. 

Within the blink of an eye, Snoke grabbed Rey through the Force. She fell to her knees her whole body trembling under his hand. "You're resistance friends have hit another one of our Star-Destroyers! They destroyed the whole ship, and took all of the our supplies!" He tightened his grip on her, causing Rey to cry out. Kylo willed himself to not move, to not make any attempt to stop Snoke or protect Rey. Even though all he wanted to do was make sure this monster never laid a finger on her again.

She screamed again as Snoke's grip on her tightened. "WHAT ARE THEY BUILDING?" He boomed, convinced that Rey somehow knew the Resitance's plan even though she hadn't stepped foot outside in weeks.  She had no communication with the Resistance-- she knew nothing. 

"I-I don't know. Please, stop!" She cried. A few stray tears streamed down her goregous face, smearing the makeup she had worked so hard to put on this afternoon. So she could feel pretty, so that maybe, just maybe, Kylo would notice her as a woman and not as a Scavenger or an apprentice. 

"They have taken the supplies and retreated to their home base. Whatever they are building, they are building fast. I ask again, Scavenger-- WHAT ARE THEY BUILDING?"

"Please, please, I don't know-- I only know where their home base is!" Immediately, Snoke released her. Rey gasped for breath, sweat mixed with tears trickled down her face. Kylo knelt immediately, his hand flying to her cheek. 

"Are you okay?" He asked in a whsiper only she could hear. She nodded slightly, leaning into his touch. He helped her to her feet, though she could barely stand. All of her energy was depleted, taken by Snoke. She would only be able to stand maybe a few more minutes, then she needed rest. 

"Where are they?" Snoke sneered.  Kylo prayed that Rey was telling the truth about the location of the home base-- if she was lying, Snoke would terminate her. 

"D'Qar. It's somewhere in the Outer Rim." Rey breathed. She was still trying to catch her breath. 

"Hmmm, yes." Snoke said.  "We need to crush the Resistance before they are able to finish their project. Kylo Ren, you and your apprentice will journey to D'Qar tomorrow to snuff out this futile attempt against the First Order once and for all."

Kylo lowered his head. "Yes, my Master. It will be done."  Rey bowed to Snoke before Kylo snaked an arm around her waist and started guiding her out. 

Snoke cackled behind him-- "Careful Ren-- do not let your thoughts betray you." Kylo Ren stiffened slightly at those words. Snoke continued to laugh as Kylo gently guided Rey back to the elevator. The doors closed on Snoke grinning evily after them, knowing full well where Kylo's thoughts were. 

Rey breathed a huge sigh of relief once the doors started moving. She laid back into Kylo's chest, her back fitting snuggly up against his front.

Bad idea, sweetheart, Kylo thought to himself. "Are you alright, Rey?"

She nodded again, never uttering a word. She seemed shaken up, though he didnt blame her. Being tortured was one thing-- being tortured by Snoke was in a completely different league. He invaded one's thoughts, their deepest darkest thoughts, their wishes, their desires-- he invaded the essence of them. And it seemed he had taken a part of Rey with him. She looked weak, pale and tired. Her hair was matted with sweat and had started to frizz. 

The elevator stopped, but Rey made no attempt to walk out those doors, away from Kylo's warmth and comfort. She was scared, and tomorrow she would likely have to destroy the only people she had ever called family or friends. She needed comfort tonight-- she needed Kylo. 

"Kylo?" She asked. He looked at her, his dark eyes full of earnest. "Can I stay with you tonight?"

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