the crossroads

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Kylo Ren breathed a sigh of relief when Rey said she would stay. He didn't want to be alone tonight any more than he could sense she wanted to be alone. It had been a long time since he had a connection to anyone, let alone someone else having a connection to him and caring about him. And he could sense Rey cared about him, though he doubt she would admit it.

"You're feet are probably killing you in those heels." He remarked. Rey had been swaying slightly for the past few minutes, desperate to relieve some of the pressure on her aching feet. She nodded, keeping her gaze off of him. In the galaxy light that filtered in through the window, Kylo Ren looked almost angelic.

A devil masked as an angel.

"I can call a droid to bring you a change of clothes. You can take some time in refresher if you'd like." 

Rey's face heated immediately. She did really need a change of clothes, it wasn't like she could sleep in this dress. And she desperately needed a shower to hose off this makeup and sweat that stuck to her body. But she hoped he wasn't insinuating that they were going to be in refersher together, not after he had pushed her away despite the conflict fighting within him.

"No, don't worry. I'll stay in here.  I can ask a droid to bring in a screen if you wanted to watch a film." He seemed almost nervous when he asked her if she wanted to watch a film. It was something that seemed so relaxed and close and intimate-- nothing like their relationship.

"That sounds nice. I'd like that." She said. Kylo nodded and lead her to the bathroom. It was a large suite with a full, deep tub and a gorgeous, walk-in shower that was surrounded by glass. 

"Help yourself." He whispered in her ear.  "I'll be outside if you need anything." Kylo cast her a shy smile before he closed the door shut, leaving Rey alone. 

She slipped off her heels, gasping in relief. "Thank the Gods," she muttered to herself. She slipped off her dress, laying it gently on the counter so that it would be wrinkled. She jerked on the shower, allowing the room to fill with warmth. Rey peeled off her undergarments, discarding them to the side. She removed her jewerly carefully, then stepped into the shower.

She glanced at the door, wondering what Kylo was doing out in the bedroom. The fact that he was so close to her when she was stark naked, exposed, made a fire spark in her stomach.  The arousal flew through her, traveling from the tips of her toes to her fingernails. She wondered if he could hear her in here, hear her movements when she dipped underneath the shower. 

A dirty thought whipped through her mind-- could he hear her thoughts in here? 

She doubted that he couldn't. It wasn't like there was anything blocking him from listening to her, though she could definetely try and think naughty thoughts that would entice him to listen to. 


Kylo sat on the bed, legs flat out as he waited on a droid to bring not only a change of clothes for Rey, but also a screen. He didn't know what he was thinking asking her if she wanted to watch a film. It was something only close partners or friends did with each other, not Master and apprentice. Though he suspected that line was blurry, and that it was dangeroulsy close to being crossed all together. 

He heard her walking around in the bathroom, likely disrobing. When he heard the shower turn on, his cock sprung to life in his pants. Gods, he thought to himself. The thought of Rey, naked and weat in his shower, in his bathroom, made his body ache. He hadn't had any sort of sexul relief in a while-- perhaps that was why he was so aroused at the thought of his apprentice naked. 

He felt a strong urge to open the bathroom door just enough to catch a glimpse of her naked silhouette. Of course, he would never do that without her permission, but the want to see her was maddening. It made his blood come to life with arousal and need, his cock twitching angrily within him.

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