20. The Only Way

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I woke up in my bed the next morning, my hair pulled back in one long braid, and big baggy t-shirt on. 

Who changed me? If Aedyn saw my scars I was going to die. I still can't believe he knows as much as he does and hasn't kicked me out yet. I pulled the blanket off, only to be greeted with the cold winter air. 

Don't we have school today? 

Suddenly I saw a note sitting on top of the brand new phone Aedyn had given me. Kat's loopy handwriting slanted across the page. 

We have another snow day so we let you sleep in.

Aedyn wants to see you in his room when you wake up.


P.S. -I changed your shirt so you weren't in sweaty workout clothes :)

P.P.S- Aedyn insisted on doing your hair

Throwing on a pair of sweatpants, I sniffed the shirt I was wearing. 

Yup. Definitely Aedyn's.

I smiled to myself. How in the world did I get a mate like this? 

Someone who is willing to help me overcome my past and wants me for who I am, no matter what. 

I still can't process sometimes. 

I opened the door that connected our suites, and carefully peeked in. everything was dark and I couldn't see anything so I took another step in. 

Suddenly someone on the bed rolled over and looked up at me. 

"Hey babe." A very shirtless Aedyn with bed head looked up at me. 

I gulped at his voice, still deep from waking up.

"Sorry, I didn't know you were still asleep. I can come back later."

I took a step back but he reached out his had and pouted like a kid.

"No. Stay. Please." I slowly walked toward him until I was close enough for him to grab my waist and pull me to the edge of the bed. "I love my clothes on you." I swallowed hard as he grabbed a hand full of the shirt I was wearing and pulled me onto the bed next to him.

I had never been in a bed with a guy before. 

I'm in a bed. With my mate. 

He pulled me close to him and gently rubbed his nose up and down the side of my neck. 

"What are we doing?" I quietly whisper. 


"But I just woke up."

"SHhhhh." He quieted me. "We're sleeping"

I let my wolf come forward and have this moment since she was pushing forward, wanting to have time with her mate. I ran my fingers through Aedyn's hair, loving the feeling. My wolf purred in my chest, and Aedyn half-smiled almost asleep. 

"Sorry, go to sleep, I'll keep her quiet." I apologized embarrassed. Really? Keep it together!

"no." He mumbled. "Let her out. My wolf likes it too. But you sleep too, you never sleep."

"Yes, I do." No I don't. Not really. I sleep, but its full of nightmares and waking up in the middle of the night and not being able to fall back to sleep again. Last night was the first full night's sleep I got since.... Since I slept with Aedyn on the couch. 

"Don't lie to me. My wolf wakes up when yours does. I know when you've had a bad night." He wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me in. "I never want to go in to you're room because I know you would feel bad that you woke me up and be embarrassed, but if these dreams don't stop we're going to have to talk about it." His voice was slow and methodical, still laced with sleep.

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