12.If I Break a Nail...

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When I got in the car with Kat, she didn't say anything to me about being late. I think somehow she knew, but really didn't want to embarrass me. 

Our chauffeur was Ian, who was told to come be our "bodyguard" in case anything happened. Kat seemed a little annoyed, but perked up when she realized we could just make him hold our bags. 

"First stop, the salon!" Kat struck a funny pose, gesturing to the large boutique sign ahead. 

"What are we doing here?" I thought we were going shopping?

"Nails and hair. Duh." Kat jumped up and down excited. "I'm guessing you don't normally get your nails done, and no offence, you need a trim." I instinctively grabbed my braids. "Don't worry, there are people here who specialize in curly hair." She grabbed my hands and ran inside. 

Next thing you know, i'm in a whirlwind of colors and nail shapes and questions I didn't even know existed, so I just let Kat do the talking.

"Quick, what's your favorite color?" She appeared out of nowhere, scaring the crap out of me.

"Um. Red?" I blinked and she was gone again. I stood there awkwardly until some nice older lady approached me.

"Hi. Are you Bobbi?" She wore a black apron type thing with lots of clips on it.

"Um. Yeah that's me...." 

"I'm Diana. Kat said that you were looking into a hair cut today?" She directed me to a salon chair where I sat down.

"Yeah, I've never really done this before..." She smiled at me as I pulled off the beanie Aedyn had put on my head.

"It's totally okay. I can just trim it and give it some shape... and maybe some low-lights." She added as she undid my braids. 

"Sounds perfect!" Kat plopped into the chair next to me and smiled. 

The lady washed may hair and showed me all sorts of products to use to make it look curlier and fuller, none of which I remembered but Kat seemed to understand her. Once all that was done, she took a "diffuser" and showed me how to blow it dry correctly. 

Once she was done, she let me do a 360 in the mirror.

"Dang girllllll." Kat jumped up and down. "You look so good!" I had to admit she was right. My hair was definitely unhealthy and needed help. 

I hugged Diana and thanked her before following Kat to the salon side of the store. 

"You can side here, I already got everything ready." Kat pointed to two spots that had all sorts of stuff on them.

 Sitting down, I put my beanie back on, not because I didn't like my hair, but because it still smelt like Aedyn and I kind of liked it. 

Kat looked at me and started smiling. 

"What?" Her smile got even bigger.

"You're wearing Aedyn's hat" My face got bright red and I started stuttering.

"Wh-What? I don't know...." I looked away embarrassed.

"Yeah you are. He wears them all the time in the winter." My face got brighter, if that was even possible.

"I don't know. It's stupid." She shook her head.

"No, no, it's not. There's nothing wrong with liking to wear your mates stuff. I swear I wore Gabe's shirts for 2 months when we first met."

"How long have you guys been together?" Two salon ladies sat down and took our hands and started working. 

"A little over 6 months." I watched the lady cut and file my nails.

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