32. Popcorn

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Bobbi's POV again

After Cole and Lacy finished talking, we all headed over to the hospital to pick up Sara. Apparently, Ian was already there, and Aedyn was going to meet us after his alpha meeting. 

Lacy was still sniffing, and I could see in Cole's eyes that he wanted to go comfort her, especially since he yelled at her a bit, but he knew it would do more harm than good. 

I felt bad for both of them. 

They both just needed some time to work everything out. It hasn't even been a week since they got here, and everything was still raw. 

The car ride was basically silent, just the soft music coming from the radio. 

"Hey, guys." Aedyn was standing outside the hospital when we pulled up. "Sara's all set. Ian's helping her get out of bed and situated, and I didn't want to be in the making her nervous." I came up and wrapped my arms around his waist. 

"Thank you for being so sweet about everything." He bent down to give me a peck on the lips. 

"Of course, love. Besides, they're my pack members now, so my responsibility." 

"Come on, let's go get Sara out of here." Cole opened the door and ushered us all inside, and Lacy wordlessly came up to my side and clung to me. 

"Lace, are you okay?" I wrapped my arms around her as we walked and whispered to her. 

"I'm okay, my wolf is mad at me, though. She's upset that I hurt our mate and wanted to reject him." I gently brushed her hair. 

"It's okay. Just wait it out. Tensions are still high and everyone is stressed. Besides, Cole is a good guy, just communicate with him. "

She nodded at me, and we sat down in some chairs while Aedyn and Cole talked to one of the nurses at the front desk. Before we knew it, Sara was being wheeled toward us, with Ian behind her. 

"Hey guys!" She waved at us, and she looked a lot better than when she first came here. "The wheelchair is really for show, Ian insisted that I shouldn't walk yet." She looked up and him and he put his hands up defensively. 

"You literally almost died and had emergency surgery not even a week ago. I'd say we're lucky you're even leaving the hospital." 

I smiled at the two of them, happy that Sara seemed to be opening up, even if I could still see a hint of nervousness in her eyes. 

"Well come on then, let's get you back to the packhouse." We all walked as quickly as we could, Ian looking satisfied to be useful for his mate, and Aedyn pulling me close for warmth. 

But there was still some serious tension in the air between Cole and Lacy. I could feel how upset she was, and Cole was desperately trying to decide whether to try to comfort her or give her space. 

I cleared my throat to get everyone's attention. 

"I thought maybe it would be a good idea if we all hung out tonight, as a group? I mean, Sara, if you're up for it. I heard Kat say that there's a fair about 20 minutes away, and I thought that might be fun." Aedyn kissed my forehead. 

"I think that's a great idea." 

"I wanna go. I'm tired of sitting all the time." Sara looked at Ian. "And Doc said I can walk as long as I don't overdo it." She pouted at him. "Please?" He was helpless to resist and ended up rolling his eyes and giving in, leading to a happy squeal from Sara. 

"Okay, if you all want to." Lacy caved but was obviously a little hesitant. Cole met my eyes and whispered a quick thank you since I had heard him ask Lacy out on a group date earlier. Now it's not his suggestion anymore. 

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