4. Lacy

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I carefully got out of bed, trying not to move my stomach. That was nothing compared to what Luke had done to me before, but it still left a pretty nasty bruise.

I quickly showered and threw on a pair of sweat pants and a t shirt, and put on enough makeup to cover any bruises anyone might see. I was to tired to care, and I was going to shift during sometime today any way.

Sara handed me a cup of hot cocoa and a plate of waffles, and we ate quietly for a little while, before she broke the silence.

"Are you okay?" I shrugged it off.

"I've had worse." Sara shook her head.

"Let me see." I carefully pulled my shirt up, just high enough for her to see the purple and yellow bruise on my rib cage, and motioned to my neck.

She winced when she saw it, and carefully touched it, trying not to hurt me.

"Your rib isn't broken, but I'd take it easy with talking today. You'll heal fast, especially since you're shifting today."

I pulled my shirt down and we finished eating and we headed off to school. I was really excited because today my other best friend in the entire world was coming back from her two week vacation.

As soon as we pulled up to the school, I jumped out and ran the blonde sitting on a bench by the door.

"Lacy!" I practically shoved her off her seat as I tackled her into a huge hug. It took her a moment to realize who in the world was hugging her, but once she saw my face she screamed and hugged me back.

"Oh my goodness! I haven't seen you in forever! Happy birthday!!"

"Thanks, but tell me all about your trip."

As we walked to homeroom, Lacy told us all about her trip to California and all the packs there.

"Did you meet your mate?" Sara finally asked the question we were all wondering.

"No. I didn't." The look of disappointment on her face was obvious, and she played with the ends of her long blonde hair.

"Its OK!! You'll find him soon." I wrapped my arms around her shoulders and put my head on her arm.

"Enough about me. What about you birthday girl? Ready for your first shift?" I shuddered.

"I don't know. I've heard it hurts really bad." Lacy shrugged.

"It hurt, but it was worth it. And it's not for that long anyway."

Just then, our teacher finally decided to walk into the room and start class, so Lacy gave me a look that said this conversation wasn't over.

I didn't concentrate in class at all... Luke's words still echoed in my head and I couldn't get it to stop.

I let out a sigh of relief when  lunch finally came around and I plopped into a seat next to Sara and Lacy at our usual spot in the cafeteria.

"Hey beautiful." Lacy looked up at me.

"Hey girl. Tell me, have things gotten better since a left?" Sara and I looked at each other and shook our heads.

"Not really." I told them what Luke said to me yesterday.

"What does he mean by that?" I shrugged.

"I guess I'll know later." Lacy's green eyes widened.

"Do you think its smart to go find out?" Sara whipped her head around, giving me a face-full of red hair.

"Yeah, I agree with Lacy-"

"Wait stop I'm eating your hair." I pushed her hair over her shoulder and laughed. "I knew you were growing it out but damn." We all started laughing, but my breath caught in my throat.

All of the sudden I felt a flash of pain through my whole body. I gasped, looking for oxygen, but nothing happened.

"Oh my goodness. Bobbi, are you okay?" I couldn't even register her words. Every bone in my body started stretching, pushing for my new form. 

"She's shifting. We have to get her outside."

Each of them grabbed one of my arms a dragged me outside. Some of the kids noticed and pointed, but since everyone here was a werewolf, they all knew what was happening.

We slowly made it over to the tree line behind the school, and they sat me up against a tree.

"What can we do to help?" Sara pulled my hair back and put it in a ponytail.

"Nothing. I'll be fine in a second."

Sweat was pouring of my body, and I felt like I was on fire.

"Well, we might as well get comfortable then." Lacy sat down across from me. "This might take awhile."

This was literally the worst pain I've ever ad in my life, and that's saying something. I could feel every bone in my body on fire, and nothing stopped it.

I screamed as my fingers started breaking, and one by one, the other bones in my body followed. 

"Just breathe through it, Bob! You have to keep breathing!" I tried to follow their advice, but darkness faded in.


I slowly opened my eyes, noticing the birds chirping much louder than before. 

"Well, sleeping beauty is finally up." Lacy was lying on the grass playing with her phone while Sara did what looked like Calculus homework.

I tried to answer her, but no sound came out. Sara started laughing

"Bobbi, you're a wolf." I looked down to see two white paws in front of me.

Oh my goodness! This is so cool!

I walked around a little bit, getting used to the feeling of four legs, and then turned to Sara and Lacy. 

"Just imagine yourself in your human form, and you'll shift back."

OK. I thought of myself in human form, and I felt the bones in my body shift and move back in place. I didn't hurt nearly as bad, just a pinch here and there. 

When I opened my eyes, I was standing stark naked as a human, but Sarah quickly handed my some clothes 

"Here, we got these for you." I quickly got dressed and faced the girls.

"Bobbi, we have to talk." She took a deep breath

"Lacy, what's wrong?"

"The thing is- well - you're a white wolf." Sara played with her hands while answering.

"So what?"

"Well, they're extremely rare, right? And tonight Luke is going to 'deal with you' and we think that he might want to kill you because you're a white werewolf." I looked back and forth between them.

"Luke might kill me because of the color if my wolf?" They looked at each other and nodded. "That's insane how would he even know the color of my wolf?"

"White wolves are passed through your bloodline, so maybe he found something on your parents?" Lacy looked so worried I couldn't help but give her a hug.

"What should I do then?"

Lacy looked up, suddenly happy.

"We already have a plan."

"What?" Sara smiled boldly, a look I haven't seen in a while.

"You're going to run away."

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