23. The Corner in the Moonlight

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I woke up in the same position I fell asleep in; me on the bathroom floor, with Aedyn holding my hand. His thumb gently moved back and forth, making my hand warm and keeping me calm.

"I didn't want to move you because you didn't want to be touch, but I also didn't want to leave you here by yourself." Aedyn pulled my attention off the cold floor. "I hope that's okay." 

I nodded as I sat up, my bones aching as I moved. 

"I'm sorry I freaked out like that, I know it wasn't called for-." Aedyn shushed me before I could continue. 

"Love, don;t even apologize for something like that. It wasn't your fault, and you had every right to be upset." He pulled me under his arm, so we were both leaning against the bathtub. "Are you feeling better now?"

I nodded slowly, and wrapped my arms around his waist. He gently began to run his fingers through my hair, and my eyes closed involuntarily. Seeing my contentment, Aeydn pulled me down so my head was resting in his lap, and kept scratching my head and playing with my  hair. 

After a few moments, a soft rumble happened in my chest, I tried to quickly sit up, but Aedyn stopped me. 

"Its okay, love. Its your wolf. She's purring" I calmed back down, and sure enough, I could feel the happiness of my wolf, enjoying being with her mate. 

"Do you wanna get of the floor, and move to the room? It might be more comfortable for you." I nodded at Aedyn's suggestion, and slowly stood up. He walked out first, and I quickly brushed my teeth before following. 

By the time I walked out of the bathroom, Aedyn had changed into a pair of pajama pants and was facing away from me, shirtless, leaving all of his back muscles on display. 

My wolf pushed to walk toward him, to say something, to do anything, but I stayed put where I was in the doorway. 

Aedyn stretched, his arms reaching behind him as he flexed, and I immediately swallowed. Hard. 

Suddenly, Aedyn sniffed the air before turning and looking at me, his eyes a shade darker than usual. What was he doin- Oh. 

He walked toward me, and I couldn't help but look down in nervousness. The stench of his arousal grew as he walked closer to me, a low growl coming from his chest.

"You can look at me you know, you don't have to hide." His had grabbed my chin, gently but firm, turning my chin up to him. "I love your eyes. Especially when you at me when smelling like that. "

I started shaking, way too over my head for talk like that. Aedyn just sighed and brushed a strand of hair behind my ears.

"Why don't you go to bed, okay? It's the middle of the night, and I'm sure that floor wasn't comfortable." I nodded before stepping away from him, hiding my red face in my hair. The feeling in my lower stomach had me wanting to run away and hide, but I knew that would be useless.

"Are you going to be okay in here by yourself? I can always stay here if you need me." I shook my head, making up some excuse about being okay. The truth was, I was still jumpy, seeing moving shadows behind curtains, but I could be with Aidan right now, feeling like this.

I knew he could still smell my arousal, but if he didn't bring it up, I certainly wasn't going too. What is getting into me? I needed to calm down.

"I'll be okay. I promise." I knew he doubted my words, but he chose to believe me and instead just walked toward me.

"Okay. But you can always come get me. For any reason. At all. Okay?" He brushed his finger along my bottom lip, and i could help but lick my lips when his hand left. His eyes followed my tongue, and I struggled to speak.

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