Chapter One

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Addiane was up with the sun. She always was. Life on a farm had gotten her accustomed to such things, and her current lifestyle, while it didn't require it, certainly encouraged it.

She grabbed her sword belt and climbed out the window of her bedroom, landing lightly on the catwalk just outside and darting along to the cave with a golden sash hanging above it.

"Good morning, Nyriem."

He huffed loudly and rolled over, scratching at his stomach lazily.

"It is entirely too early for you to be awake, Small-Foot."

Addiane laughed and strapped her sword belt around her waist. "You always say that. But I know something that could change your mind."

Nyriem puffed out a ring of smoke and tucked his head under his wing. "If you say a morning flight-"

"Come on you old grump. It's good for you." She poked his side with her foot.

The golden dragon grumbled loudly and pulled his head from his wing. He tried for a bleary-eyed look, but Addiane grinned, seeing right through it.

"Well? Get a move on!"

Nyriem puffed another ring of smoke, in her face now. Addiane stuck her tongue out, then darted out of the way of his playful swipe and walked to the other side of the room to ready his saddle.

They burst out of the larger cave that each dragon's sleeping quarters was connected to, and into the morning sunlight. Addiane gripped the saddle tightly as Nyriem tucked his wings against his sides and shot high into the air, corkscrewing wildly.

"I told you that it's good for you!" She screamed over the wind. He tossed his head and dove for the sandy floor of the desert.

Addiane estimated by the time she and Nyriem landed, breakfast would be ready. Once they returned to the cave, she unsaddled Nyriem, then darted back along the catwalk and leapt carefully through her window.

"Morning, Farm-girl."

The young Rider nearly had a heart attack. She drew her sword on instinct and it clanged against the wall next to the intruder's head.

Seirye sneered distainfully. "Slow, and weak. A blow like that would have hardly slowed me."

"What do you want, Seirye?"

"I was only looking for my brother." She shrugged. The motion was meant to look casual, but Addiane knew it was not.

"I do not know where Samblar is. Perhaps you should check his room."

"He's not there."

Addiane resheathed her sword, shrugging. "Why would you think I know your brother's whereabouts?"

"Because he is irritatingly and irrepressibly fond of you, for some utterly ridiculous reason." Seirye's lip curled.

Addiane bit back several retorts that came to mind. "He probably devised some 'clever' plan that will get him killed by Badez. You know how he loves to torment the the poor-"

An earth-shattering roar echoed down the hallway.

Addiane shot Seirye a falsely sweet smile. "I believe that would be him."

Sure enough, a tall figure slipped past the door that opened into the hallway. Seeing familiar faces, Samblar backtracked. "Good morning, my ladies."

"Morning, Sam." Addiane chirped. "Early morning for you. Harassing the others already?"

He shot her a troublemaker's grin. "You know me so well, Firelight."

Seirye rolled her eyes, then made a shooing motion at Samblar as another roar echoed down the corridor. "That brute will eat you alive if he catches you."

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