Murtagh was on the training field when Addiane arrived the next morning. He was alone, but his sword was out and he was clearly focused on whatever enemy he was imagining.
She didn't say anything, just stood far out of the way and watched.
It didn't take long for Addiane to realize that Murtagh was a master swordsman. She'd never seen some of the moves he was performing, but even without knowledge of them there was a sense of understanding that he knew he was doing them right.
Murtagh was a dangerous man in the best of circumstances, but Addiane could tell that he would be a terrifying enemy.
He finally spun in a full circle, slashing through some invisible enemy with a yell, and then froze that way, sword arm extended completely. Addiane could see his chest heaving.
She began to clap, impressed. She wasn't the only one either.
The rest of the Riders in training stood with her, staring at the dark haired man as he slowly lowered his crimson sword and turned to look at them. His hair had been pulled awayfrom his face but strands hung freely and he pushed them back, taking a few deep breaths.
"Good morning, Murtagh." Addiane nodded to him.
He flashed them a grin. "Morning, all. I'll be on my way out in a moment."
"You could stay, if you like." Seirye suggested. Addiane was surprised to hear a note of respect, bordering on reverence, in her voice.
"I don't want to intrude on your practice." Murtagh shook his head.
"You would be welcome to join us, Red Rider." Blödgharm's voice echoed over the field. The training Dragon Riders assembled in their usual line quickly, standing with their hands at their sides.
"Well in that case," he grinned and retied his hair. "I'd be happy to participate."
They ran through their usual morning routine, then Blödgharm split them into two teams of four, with three Riders and a spellcaster on each. "You have five minutes to create a strategy. Once the time is up, you will face each other."
Ghola eyed Murtagh warily, and Addiane heard her comment, "I'm glad you're on my team. I would not enjoy trying to fend you off."
He snorted and made an unfamiliar gesture of greeting. Ghola's eyes lit up and she repeated the gesture, introducing herself.
"I don't want to fight him." Badez grunted, watching the son of Morzan. Seirye grunted in agreement.
"I will." Addiane loosened Naegling in its sheathe. The others glanced at her in surprise.
"Your funeral, Farm-girl." Seirye finally said. Badez nodded, though he seemed a little more concerned for her. That was nice at least.
"Badez should take on Ghola first," the she-elf continued. "That way we can eliminate her easier and team up on someone else."
"That's unfair swordplay." The spellcaster assigned to their team, a female elf named Thislue, put in helpfully.
"Swordplay doesn't matter in a fight." Seirye countered flatly. Thislue just shrugged and crossed her arms.
"Teams at the ready." Blödgharm called sharply.
The eight fighters lined up, facing each other. Blödgharm whistled and they began to move forward.
Addiane met Murtagh's eyes and knew she'd been singled out already. She shot him a challenging grin, shifting her grip on her sword.
This was going to hurt, but Addiane was not one to turn down a challenge.
Shadow of a Shade
FanfictionAddiane found her life to be comfortable enough. She may not have known her family, but she was fed and taken care of by those she lived with. She rarely feared for her life, and she was being taught valuable life lessons by those around her. Of cou...