Chapter Seven

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Once she had gotten permission from Eragon, Addiane went to find Samblar. His quarters were empty, and Seirye had given her a rather rude response about how she didn't always know where her brother was.

After checking the training field and Take-Off Valley, Addiane started in the direction of the dining room, not knowing where else to look for him.

He wasn't there either. She grumbled in annoyance and set off again, wandering the stone corridors.

In the end, Samblar sort of found her.


She looked up towards where his voice was coming.

He was three levels up in the dragon cave, standing at the edge of his dragon's cave.

"Hey, Sam. Are you busy?"

Samblar shook his head and began to walk down the spiral ledge that wrapped all the way around the main room.

Once he was on the same level, Addiane offered a smile. "Do you want to go sit at the first outpost with me for a little bit?"

He raised his eyebrows. "Of course... is this about where you're going?"

"Kind of."

He nodded quietly and motioned for her to lead.

They walked in silence. Addiane couldn't think of anything to say, and Samblar seemed to be preparing himself for the worst.

"So are you allowed to tell me anything?" He finally asked when they stepped onto the outpost. Addiane nodded slowly.

"Shadeslayer said I could... but only one person."

Samblar glanced at her. "And you chose me over Ghola?"

"Well... you sort of knew already, because of what happened in my quarters- why were you in my quarters anyway?"

"I wanted to check up on you."

Addiane frowned at him and he shrugged. "You seemed upset earlier, so I wanted to make sure you were feeling better... are you allowed to tell me about that?"

She shrugged. "I would assume so...."

Samblar walked over to the edge of the outpost platform and sat down, dangling his feet over the edge. Addiane followed him and sat down next to him, tucking her own feet under her thighs.

"When Murtagh took me to talk to Eragon earlier... his cousin called him for help. On an enchanted mirror of some sort."

"His cousin is the war hero, correct?"

Addiane nodded. "Stronghammer, yes."

"Hard to imagine him having any problems where he needs help." Samblar muttered.

She grunted. "His village is being raided by a strange force. Huge fighters, and three archers that are either incredibly talented or somehow blessed by some otherworldly being-"

"What does that mean?"

Addiane shook her head. "Their shooting is uncanny. No missed shots, nearly impossible to hit targets. And they're clearly human. They're doing too much damage for the villagers to fully focus on the attacking force, and Roran seems to have been staying off to the side. I think he's been trying to figure out where he can join the fight, but... when he called today, they attacked. He tried to show us some of what they could do and he got shot."

Samblar breathed an elvish curse. "Is he...?"

"Dead? No, but he broke his leg when he fell and he's obviously going to need to heal until we can get there."

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