Chapter Seventeen

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[A/N slight graphics near the end of the chapter. I'll bold and italicize it to give you warning]

"Will, we have to speed this up." Addiane whispered. He was currently guarding her, while most of the rest of the camp slept. She could see one of the sailors (that was what she had been told they were in a quiet moment) on the other side of the camp, leaning against a tree and mostly in shadow. He looked like he was asleep but she highly doubted that was the case.

"What's wrong?"

"There's something wrong in the village. The other group that is attacking is more dangerous than I thought and they're already infiltrating."

"How do you know?"

She shook her head. "I had a dream. I know it might sound crazy, but I swear I know it's happening."

Will frowned. "Okay, well how do you want to do this?"

"You have to promise to trust me."

"I don't like the sound of that."

"Please, Will, they're in danger and they don't even know! I have to warn them."

He narrowed his eyes.

Addiane huffed out an exasperated sigh. "I'm going to attack you, okay? Turn your back, I'm going to hit you over the back of the head and run. Raise the alarm, send them after me, I'll deal with it from there and I know what I can do to get them to help."

Will nodded slowly after a minute. "Just don't knock me out completely."

"I'll do my best not to." She flashed him a grin.

"Your sword is near the center of the camp, by Lydia. She's a light sleeper."

"I won't need it." Addiane shook her head. "Just turn around."

Will did as he was told, and Addiane was about to lunge at him when she heard someone moving suddenly in the camp. She froze and stayed where she was. If it was one of the archers or Lydia, she'd probably be dead before she made it three steps.

Halt, the old cloaked one, walked over. He began to talk to Will quietly, glancing at her every so often. Addiane let herself zone out, focusing on loosely looping the ropes around her hands so at first glance it would seem like she was still tied.

Someone snapped their fingers sharply in front of her face. Addiane flinched back and looked up, scowling. "Was that completely necessary?"

"Yes. Now that I have your attention-" Halt began, leaning down in front of her.

Addiane grunted and cut him off, throwing the rope at his face. "And now that I have yours- I'll be leaving."

She kicked him in the face.

In honesty, she'd pulled the power behind it so that it probably wouldn't knock him out. Addiane leapt to her feet and cracked Will sharply across the head, knocking him backwards, then took off running.

The blond boy at the other end of the camp, Stig, raised his voice to sound the alarm. Addiane was actually sort of impressed with how loudly he could shout, but she was more focused on putting just enough distance between the group and herself that she would reach her destination before they got to her.

Footsteps pounded on the dirt behind her. A few were farther in front than the rest of the group. Lydia and Gilan, Addiane guessed. Maybe Will and Halt as well if they had recovered. They were at least matching her speed, if they weren't outpacing her. The others behind them were fast, but these were the sleepy warriors and they had probably fumbled for weapons before running.

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