Chapter Eighteen

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"You want us to... help you?" Halt raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms. "Why?"

"The town more than me."

"Why?" Halt repeated.

"Because you are not the only people attacking. And the others, when they come, they will destroy this town and they will come for you next."

"Is that a threat?" Thorn asked gruffly.

"It is a promise." Addiane retorted. "There is a Shade in this forest and she is ruthless. I don't know what she's after, but I know if she finds you that you will all die."

"What's a Shade?" Hal asked. He sounded more curious than skeptical, so that gave Addiane a little bit of hope.

"Shades are sorcerers that were possessed by demons that they summoned and were unable to control. It's very rare for the body involved to live through the summoning, but when they do they are terrifyingly dangerous. They're strong, fast, capable of tracking scents and seeing at night as well as any person would during the day. There's only one way to kill them and if you can't manage it, they will only return stronger than before."

"And you want us to help you kill this... Shade? We who are completely human?"

Addiane shook her head. "I want you to help us defend the town. They're hurt and starving and haven't had a proper healer here until a few days ago, and they're farmers. They know bare minimum about fighting. You're all trained."

"And who's going to deal with the Shade?"

"My mentors and I. Shades are fast and resiliant, but so are Riders. Working together, we should be able to deal with her."

"You talk about this woman as if you know her." Gilan commented. So far he'd seemed on board.

Addiane paused. "I think I do. I've been seeing her in my dreams and she seems familiar to me. I have no clue how though... I do know we will need help."

"We'll have to talk about this." Thorn said gruffly.

She nodded. "Take as much time as you need. When you decide, come to the town and lay your weapons down. Ask for me if the people you speak to do not want to listen."

"Why wouldn't you wait for us to make that decision?"

"I've got better things to do and two very powerful men with immense amounts of magic at their disposal who are worried about where I am." Addiane backed away from the group a little bit. Will raised his eyebrows, watching her carefully.

"Well then, I suppose we'll see you in the village if we accept..."

"And if we don't?" Stig asked suddenly.

Addiane narrowed her eyes at him. That was a definite threat, whether he meant it to be or not.

"Then I'll deal with you first."

Before anyone could say anything else she whirled and leapt off the cliff.

The jump to the water was more than Addiane had expected, and she immediately began to pull from her un-named power. Hopefully it would keep her from hurting herself too badly. She angled her body so that she was diving headfirst and stretched her arms out above (or below?) her head.

Hitting the water didn't hurt too much, so Addiane had to guess she did something right. She swam to the shore and dragged herself out of the water.

"You're insane."

"Did you get my things?"

Murtagh held up her sword and sword belt. He didn't look happy about it.

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