Chapter Three

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For days, things went back to normal. Eragon stopped showing up to weapons practice, and he had spoken to the others. Addiane wondered if he had asked the others what they thought of each other. She would assume he did, but she could never be sure.

Addiane was at dinner when she heard the warning bells clanging in one of the far towers. She pushed her chair away from the table and bolted for the living quarters.

Samblar passed her, already in his armor. "I'd say I'll race you, but clearly I have a head start."

She snorted and ran into her room, grabbing her armor and putting it on as quickly as possible. She strapped her sword belt on and ran back out the door, bolting for the closest watch-post.

"Took you long enough." Seirye sneered. Addiane ignored her and joined Ghola in peering out over the desert that surrounded their mountain home.

"What does that look like to you?"

Eragon had appeared, and was pointing to a blot on the horizon.

Addiane squinted at it.

"That's a red dragon."

He nodded and handed her a looking glass. "See anything else important?"

Addiane lifted the glass to her eyes and peered at the red blotch in the sky.

"He's not wild." She narrowed her eyes. "There's a saddle... and a Rider."

Eragon was already walking away when Addiane moved the scope away from her eye. "Everyone back to your schedules. Addiane and I are going to scout this out. You will have plenty of time to rally if we do not return."

"Why does Addiane get to go with?" Seirye sounded indignant. Addiane was rather curious to this as well, but she didn't ask again.

"Because she was able to correctly identify our threat before the rest of you were. Blödgharm, stay here and watch for us again. If we do not return and you see the Red Rider again, call for battle stations."

Blödgharm nodded. "Yes, Shadeslayer."

Eragon led Addiane down to one of the many valleys that the dragons had access to. Saphira and Nyriem had already been saddled, and Eragon sprang lightly up the blue dragon's haunch, settling into his saddle. Nyriem was much smaller than Saphira, so Addiane was in the saddle quickly.

"You follow my lead in this, alright?" He called as the dragons stood. "Whatever I say, you do."

"Yes, Shadeslayer."

Saphira shot into the air, and Nyriem followed her. For a few moments, they climbed together, then the blue dragon shot out in the direction of the threat. Addiane urged her own dragon faster.

She could tell Eragon was watching the red dragon as it swooped towards them, deciding a course of action.

The Red Rider was wearing a metal mask over his face, so they couldn't see his expression. He came close enough to make a pass, Saphira snapped at his dragon's side, drawing blood. It kicked at her head, but she rolled to avoid it.

Unfortunately this left it to Addiane to attack the Rider.

Nyriem tipped sideways, whipping past the red dragon from slightly above. Addiane stabbed with Naegling, though she could feel already that it was not going to do what she wanted.

He drew a red blade, and his counterattack nearly knocked her sword from her hands. By the time Nyriem had looped back, Saphira had grappled the enemy dragon and begun to drag it down towards the sand.

"Follow them!" Addiane screamed to Nyriem, even though she was sure he knew what to do. He dove after them.

Just before the dragons hit the desert floor, a body flew off of each. Eragon rolled as he hit the sand, drawing his sword as he came to his feet. He was standing at the edge of a small oasis.

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