Chapter # 2

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A few weeks later...

I have been studying my butt of these past few weeks, because finals is almost up... It'll be our last test and then... Boom... We will finally be taking over the Royalty's Empire.

Even though me, James and Amber were trained in school for the position of triple CEO, I still can't grasp the feeling... It feels like I have been studying yet... I feel like something is missing.... And that something is...


I am currently in the library of Royalty's Mansion AKA my house, reading, focusing, memorising, familiarising, getting ready for the final test that's going to happen the next day when...

*knock* *knock* *knock*

I looked at the glass door separating the library and the hallway to see Amber, I noded at her giving her a gesture of approval.

She then smirked knowing that this library is my abode.

"How do you even manage to coop yourself in this dusty place sister?". She asks while folding her arms.

"Well this dusty place your talking about will soon be replaced by an office, before then I have to know a lot of stuff". I answered her while closing my book.

"Understandable seeing as you have just studied for a few years about business management and other stuff... But you also are more... Worth becoming a CEO than me and James... Well that's what I think though... Either way it doesn't change the fact that we will be the first Triple CEO". She explained while she took a seat in front of me.

It is kind of true... Mom and dad didn't realy have their intentions of making me part of the Empire because they knew that I wanted to be something else... But then seeing as I'm hard working and etc... That they kept on blabbering when I asked them... This happened... And I started taking the course for it.

"Anyway may I ask... What have you come here for?". I ask.

"Before I tell you... You need to put that book back". She commanded.

What is she getting in to?

"It'll stay here in my hands... After we talk I'm gonna use it again so... I'll keep it here". I answered, looking amber studying her.

She sighed before she spoke "That'll be useless when you receive the news... But here it is anyway... We aren't taking the test". She said simply.

"w-wait... What?... What do you mean?". I ask with an utter bit of surprise.

"It means we won't take the test but... We will be taken to the Royalty's Empire and start...". She answered.

"Start!?!? How can they even be sure that we can handle it? That's why there's a test!". I decline.

"You didn't even let me finish... We will start working there... But it serves as a test... It seems like we will be becoming secretaries for the people in charge of some departments". She explained. "So technically we are still undergoing some test". She added.

"o-oh...". I said and stood up. "T-thanks for um... telling me". I said and placed the book back to the shelf, and started heading out the library when...

"It'll start tomorrow". She added.

I stopped dead in my tracks, faced her and nodded then continued walking to my bedroom.

Experience? There's the experience I asked for...


When I entered my room I buried myself deep within my bed...

This cant be happening... I'm too nervous for this... Its too early!

With this thoughts lurking in my mind with other things too, I ended up in a deep slumber, still thinking AKA dreaming of the worst things that will happen tomorrow...

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