Chapter # 13

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Not receiving any reply and clearly not in the mood I placed my plate in the washing area while Hugo followed and washed the dishes, while I returned to the couch half asleep, and slowly drifting back to sleep while seating down on the couch. I then slowly feel myself drop down the comfortably warm couch as I lay down back to sleep peacefully.

"I could get used to this". I heard a voice above me before drowning in my very own dream land.

I dont know but the feeling of my soul going back to my body, filling it with life captured me suddenly making me groan and slowly open my eyes to see Hugo's face looming over mine.

"That tired huh, I take back what I said I dont wanna get used to sitting down for hours waiting for you to wake up... not being dramatic here". He teased gently while softly brushing his hands through my hazel locks.

"How did I even get here?". Brushing off his hand I ask sitting up my head from his lap and looking outside to see the orange hue making its presence bloom over the skies, which my guess could be 6 pm.

Saying nothing he once again did his favourite smirk, making me realise that my half assed asleep self did it this morning without knowing he's there.

"Why didnt you wake me then?". I ask putting my arms together.

"Like I said trying to make things work here". He answered stretching his legs.

"Unless you love the idea of making us work out... what are you trying to tell me Hugo?". I ask feeling my brows creasing forming into a slight frown.

He stayed silent turned the TV off with the remote and faced me seriously.

"Lets not talk about this rigid topic".He says still looking at me.

"Alright then I'll start making dinner... it may be early but at least after that we will be seeing each other less". I said standing up and started heading towards the kitchen.

Following me he sat on the island.

"We cant be like this for the whole time were here, we have to talk". He spoke out.

"And about what? Having kidnapping as our first ever proper conversation is a sign that this is not a good idea". I answered angrily starting to boil water for the soup.

"Have you told anyone else about the kidnapping? Does anyone else know besides your mother and father?". He asked.

Only mother and father knew about that... I stayed silent realising his point. I never actually got the chance to talk to my friends including Amber and James, because of how preoccupied I became with my studies, which somehow made me a sceptical person.

"See that proves it... even I havent told anyone about how my father treats me whenever I misbehaved, I was only able to tell you because of how comforting and funny the moment was". He continued while I sliced onions.

Still being silent I continued slicing. Which earned a sigh coming from him.

"Your sisters right you know, you're so lucky that you have me". Because of what he said I placed the knife down wiped my eye which caused me to flinch from the onion juice and faced towards him.

Sofia The First: Meant To MeetWhere stories live. Discover now