Chapter # 14

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Intrigued by driving this boat I observed him earlier, and now even before he could speak up I smiled sailed the boat speeding it up and having fun while laughing.

"Dont kill me!!". Hugo wailed as he sat tightly.

The ecstatic feeling of driving a speed boat for the first time made me smile even after arriving back to the beach house, while on the other hand...

The sound of a heavy drop resounded the living room as a wet Hugo groaned and plummetted on the couch. 

I rolled my eyes and went straight to him after placing the freshly captured fishes on the fridge.

"Seems like im not the only drama queen here". I smirked and sat beside his laying body.

Not receiving any reply, i spoke again.

"Hey stop playing with me". Grabbing his arm , I saw small bleeding scratch marks.

My heart unexpectedly began to pound... Now realizing that for the whole day today we havent eaten resulting to him being weak, not just that but Hugo he fell to the ocean just to capture my fish even to the point of having these bloody marks. Additionally he must have had a panic attack while I drove the boat.

i sighed.

"I really hate this feeling... jerk wake up for me please". I guiltily sat him up as he began waking up a bit led him to his room and collapsed right at his bed.

Choosing not to be dramatic I gave him a sponge bath and yes I SAW everything... I must admit he's packing, having to have this thought I punched my chest diverting my attention back to taking care of one sick Hugo.

The feeling of his hot body from my hands holding a sponge, made me a bit flustered and worried... That is too hot.

Oh great he's now having a fever. I tiredly sat beside him not knowing what to do since he isnt awake yet. Just then the sound of my stomach grumbling made me realize that I as well havent eaten.

Sighing I decided to preserve most of the fishes while making fish soup for me to devour later.

Once finished eating I put a generous amount of soup with fish and vegetables on a thermos , (to preserve the heat) with a bowl of rice and medicine for fever, I placed in a tray and brought it to Hugo's room.

Placing the tray on his bedside table, I glanced at him and saw his untreated wound. Sighing for I dont know how much today I gently held his arm and treated his freshly red wounds with the first aid.

"Would it be funny if I say that 'I could get used to this'?". Seated beside him in his bed, I lightly chuckled and ruffled his haired. "Its a miracle to have a day without you teasing me all the time, without you spouting such agonizing thoughts". I smiled.

That's what makes it fun having time with you though... w-wait

Realizing my thoughts I felt my blood rising up to my face, having alot in mind but what I didnt realize was my body.

Tired throughout the whole day, having to go through a lot my eyes and body gave out plummetting beside Hugo's warm body.


Nuzzling my body on the comfort of my warm pillow I sighed feeling relaxed.

Something wet and warm suddenly touched my nape, feeling a warm breath I gently hugged my pillow.

"Stop Hugo" I mumbled.

I then heard a sigh "You're no fun anymore or were you that tired not notice the person you hate the most". As the teasing voice talked I felt vibration on my pillow.

"Isnt it concerning and sad how im not surprised by your doing?". Eyes closed I sat up and opened my eyes looking at the side table where Hugo is supposed to be where I thought where he would be.

Not in the mood I closed my eyes, not caring if he's hiding under the bed.

"Oh god must be punishing me for getting engaged to you". I groaned plopped back to bed and hugged my pillow.

"If so I wish it would never end, I could get used to this". The voice of the teasing Hugo spoke near my ear.

I opened my eyes to see me hugging him, with his intrigued face looming over me.

Not having the strength to push him away I pushed myself away to the far corner of the bed.

"The hell are you doing!?!?". I asked with bulging eyes.

"Now now I should be asking you that, youre in my room princess". He said smirking.

A sudden realization hit me, and I began to quietly get up from the bed but before I could turn the door knob.

"Nothing else to say?". His teasing voice resounded in his bedroom. "If so eat up". Two arms suddenly held my arms and made me seat back to his bed.

Hugo then placed a tray of freshly cooked fish with rice in front of me.

As the result of the newly awakened me, I just looked at him.

"What?". He asked. "Am I really that good looking?". He smirked.

Rolling my eyes I began to eat up.

"Have you eaten already?". I asked not looking at him. seated next to me.

"Clearly, I've been awake for quite awhile now". He answered.

Yet i find you beside me at bed...ecause of this I glared at him.

"What? I know im handsome but getting looked at alot less than 5 minutes? I must be that handsome hm".

I closed my eyes then continued eating not wanting to punch him early in the morning. Not realizing that I have finished one bowl of rice I grabbed the other and continued eating... wait.

"Seems like it was right of me to bring two bowls of rice then considering you've slept the whole day". He spoke out.

As I continued eating I sneakingly glanced at his treated arm.

"Thank you". He mumbled as he leaned his head on my neck .

He's still a little bit hot, but better than yesterday.

"Its good that you're taking advantage of this moment , me just waking up tired from yesterday ... who am I kidding Im tired of speaking already". I sighed and ruffled his hair.

Its strange I still dont like him yet Im submitting ... Ugh im still so tired.

"Your words might be you but your actions... so unlike you". Kissing my neck he stood up and grabbed my empty tray, smiling and walked out the room.

Placing my hands on my forehead... i dont have fever but why the hell am I acting like this.

Frustrated I laid back on the bed and unconsciously slept. Before going to deep slumber I felt someone lay beside me and hugged me.


Hey guys its thei I am so sorry, it have almost been a year since the last update. I am sorry if this chapter seemed a bit chill I needed to write something before getting back at it. For those still anticipating my return im here Thank you for waiting, I have been getting aton of notifs and messages and i feel guilty so... for this month i strive to somewhat finish this book if i can, and if not then at least ive made progress again. Ive missed you guys.


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