Chapter # 6

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Looking back to today... This empire sure has a lot of things going on, clothing lines, uprising artists on different types and levels of talents, accessories, furnitures, this empire has many things which got it going.


A week in the Editorial Department has passed, indeed the last few days there were spent on meeting areas and background decor designing and many more stuff.

Today is saturday and usually we bond together as a family, but it seemed like mom and dad are headed out.

"Where are you headed to?". I ask the both of them.

"Its time we visit an old friend sof". Dad smiled warmly.

Its kind of weird for them not telling us where they will be SPECIFICALLY going. Not minding what their going to be doing, i searched online on things that are expected to happen in the 2 more departments that I will be encountering, while doing so I decided to grab a glass of water from the kitchen.

Walking out of the room to the wide hallway of the mansion I started heading to the stairs that led me to the lobby of the mansion.

Having to be living in this very house for about 10 years this house still fascinates me, something about the architecture seemed really beautiful yet homey. I glanced at the side table which has pictures of the family, every year... One thing that caught my eyes was a crown that was sealed inside a glass container. I went closer and observed it, something about it feels familiar, just then....

"What are you doing sof?". James asks while stepping down the stairs.

"I was just curious to who this belongs to?". I ask pointing at the crown.

"Oh that belongs to your mom, I dont know why she owns one that's this old yet preserved but we feel like its just a family heirloom given from centuries down to now". James explained.

But how did she have one though....

"Oh ok thank you, I just wanted to get some water but this caught my attention soo yeah...". I said and started heading to the kitchen to get some water.


Two weeks has gone by every since mom and dad visited their old friend. Which means this is my final day of being tested.

Last week I was assigned to Business and Advertising, it was hard as well having to creat new ideas, bringing it out of the company making sure that there's alot that would buy the product, mertings and more meetings and alot of stuff.

This week though I was assigned in the Department of Revenue and Finances, it was hard coping up with aton of departments making sure that the money being spent on everything was calculated, spread, given, protected and many stuff it was kind of complicated and there sure was alot of meetings more headaching meetings that I would want. Its very complicated but I got through the day which means the test has been finished.

Currently I am sitting in my office in the Department of Revenue and Finances, relaxing and taking my time because of being tired when...

*knock* *knock* *knock*

I sighed before answering. "Come in".

As I looked at the door I saw Angelica, mom and dad's assistant.

I guess its time.

"Good evening Miss Winston what may I help you with?". I ask.

"Please do call me Angelica, Sofia lets not be too formal". She smiled. "Im here because your father called for you". She added.

"What about Amber and James?". I ask.

"Well he wanted to talk with you individually". She answered.

Somethings weird here...

I just went over to dad's office and knocked on his door.

"Enter". He said in the other side of the door.

"Good evening Dad, You called for me?". I ask as I entered the room.

"Yes I did, take a seat Sofia". He said.

And so I did.

"I wanted to congratulate you for surviving 3 weeks". He said happily.

"Thanks dad, but we both know that you'd be saying that in front of me, james and amber, or is there something else do you wanna tell... Only me". I said suspiciously.

"Wise... Indeed I want to tell you something, something private". He paused. "You do know that having rivalry empire is natural right?". He asks.

I just nodded.

"Well there's something called a partnership to end rivalry between Empires... But since partnering with a rival Empire is risky, there's another form of partnership that's going to happen". He said.

"With the Cove Empire?". I ask.

He just nodded.

"And why do you wanna talk about it with me?". I ask.

"Because it is something that only you can do, not me, not amber, nit your mother, not james but you". Dad answered.

"Dad this isnt you... Will you please go straight to the point?". I ask annoyed.

There's something weird  going on here...

Sofia The First: Meant To MeetWhere stories live. Discover now