Chapter # 5

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So we are very pleased, but since this is just tha first day good luck on more things to come". Dad said proudly.


The following day...

Just as I entered my office Mara led me to the manager's office.

"Get ready for a day filled with meetings, you can do it just write important things on your ipod and make sure to put the date, the brand, the model, the informations and many things". Mara said as she opened the door.

Just as the door was opened Sir David stood in front getting ready to head out of his office.

"Good morning sir". I greeted.

"Good morning". He answered back and started walking swiftly.

We then headed to one of the meeting rooms in this floor, fron what I have observed there are 6 meeting rooms in this very floor. And for every room there are different purposes.

Entering the first meeting, the manager of the artist department gave out portfolios of models available for the shoot. Next week there will be 45 projects... With 160 very popular models, date of shoot is next monday.

After getting out of the meeting room, to my surprise we went to another meeting room, my fingers are already getting tired of typing all needed things...

In the 2nd meeting, a manager coming from another company is getting partnered up with Royalty's Empire, we are going to be using their products to shoot with the Empire's models.

We then went... To another meeting room... To see all the workers in the computer thingy2.

There they presented different types of products. These products are made by the product department and is designed by the editorial department. Some are clothing and many more.

The whole day was filled with meetings and just meetings, when all thr meetings for today was finished I sat on my desk, calling every deprmartment needed for these project next week, to get tjings ready, i called the artist department, product department, finances department and almost all departments, while doing so I amde sure to check everything and add things that are being asked off by the other departments.

Just as I finally finished, i stretched my heart out.

"Hm thats all good, you seriously dont need my help. " Mara said beside me.

I smiled "It may seem like it but I need to be with someone experienced to be able to do things right". I said.

I then saved all the files and schedules, sent it to sir David and stood up getting ready to do my rounds around the Editorial department.

While doing so I heard voices...

"Are we the only ones sent here?". Voice 1.

"No, there are more of us in every department". Voice 2.

"Thats cool, one day Coven Empire will over power this trash". Voice 1.

"Yes! And they cant do anything about it". Voice 2.

I was about to come at them but then my first step made the loudest sound that made them run before i could even see them...

Does dad know about this?

After checking every room, I decided to go to dad's office since its kind of early, I knocked on his door.

"Come in". The monitonic sound of dad's voice signaling that he's doing work vibrated through the door.

As I walked in, he smiled at me.

"What is it Sofia?". He asked warmly.

"Dad... I know its none of my business but... Isnt the Coven Empire the no. 1 rival of our Empire?". I ask.

"Yes that's true, and what about it sof?". He asks.

"Im not telling lies when I say this but um... There are people here coming from that empire in every department... I heard them talking while I was doing my rounds". I informed dad.

"Hmm thanks for telling me Sofia, seems like I need to visit an old friend". He laughed lightly.

What do you mean?

Not asking at all what he meant, i excused myself and got ready to go home.

Looking back to today... This empire sure has a lot of things going on, clothing lines, uprising artists on different types and levels of talents, accessories, furnitures, this empire has many things which got it going.


Hey guys! The next following chapters the prince of our princess wont show up yet, hopefully you'll stay till the end.


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