Chapter # 12

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"That wont be neccesary anymore Sofia... let me just say something bout ground rules". He told me as he looked at me smirking.

Sigh... why do i suddenly feel nervous about this...whats bound to happen? Ughh. I internally groan.

Nervously anticipating what he's about to say, I looked at him as he finished his drink with a gulp.

"Which are?". I asked.

"You do the cooking, dishes, cleaning and everything... I could just chill up my room so you wouldnt even know im here". He answered tapping his cup lightly.

"Your clearly going to a be great future husband ... of course someone born with a silver spoon on their mouth wouldnt want and know how to contribute". I rolled my eyes.

"Couldnt really take a joke huh?." He said while he looked at me smirking. "You'll be doing the cooking, ill be doing the dishes, were both gonna do our own laundry, and you clean the house". He continued standing up ,walked towards the dish washer and started to wash his cup, somehow a gesture that he's doing what he said he's gonna do.

How long is this gonna keep on going though?

"Fair enough but you have to help me with the chores... do we need to worry bout food though?". I ask which made him turn his head towards me.

"If we run out and they dont deliver us some food then... the ocean is available for me to indulge fishing". 

I seriously dont like being with him but discussing things like these makes me envision us being a couple... living in one house... like newly weds... just having our own world... ok no my thoughts are making me barf internally, oh and i hope he drowns. Thats better.

"Whats with that face your making?". Waking me up from my  intrapersonal space, he sat down beside me smirking... leaving a  non existent space between us.

"What's wrong with my face?". I ask before grinding my molar tooth and faced the other way, curious as to what my facial expressions were when in the train of thought earlier.

He smirked once more as he sat up and moved closer to me.

I dont know but just this simple action makes me wanna burst and punch his face, this guy seriously has some smirking issues.

"I dont know why were talking bout my face and not yours... yours seems to be the problem". My turn I smirked and moved abit to my right giving me space for comfort.

"I dont know how long were going to be stuck here... together, but all i know is one of us sure is dead if this continues". He said as he laid his head on my lap which took me by surprise.

"Yeah not gonna happen". I said and moved to my right once more making his head fall onto the couch as I chuckled internally.

"Trying to make things work here". He sat up.

"I'm not sure its working". I stood up and walked away. "But im sure it isnt me who's gonna be dead by the end of this though". I smirked looking back at him and went straight to my room.

Lying on my bed made me realise... its still 5 in the morning and I have already suffered enough just from his presence.

I still need to cook breakfast in 3 hours...

Sighing my mind wondered to how Amber and James are doing... What mom and dads thoughts are right now that im not with them and that one little bubble of thought that keeps telling me even from earlier " why not makes things work?"

Yeah... still NEVER gonna happen.

While in my own world I drifted off to sleep  unconsciously.

"You sure are making me wanna eat you right now". A husky voice said interrupting me from my deep sleep.

But I unconsciously lifted my head to the side and went back to my sleeping pace.

"Im hungryy". The voice complained like a child.

I didnt budge though... probably tired from this morning.

"Yeah alrighty then... Itadakimasu". The voice came near, as I began feeling warmth behind me.

I felt a light blow on my nape which gave me goosebumps , and one warm wet ... tongue?!?!? Licking it.

I groggily grabbed onto him pinning him on the bed.

"Someone woke up on the bad side of the bed, I'm not complaining about this though". He teased looking at me on top of him seated on his stomach.

I just wanted a peaceful rest and I think its been 4 hours??... Having a bad temper waking up I grabbed my pillow and began hitting him.

The room began to be filled with oohs, ahhs and OWS as I continued hitting him which also made me more awake with every hit while he struggled getting me off him.

I suddenly stopped and sighed ... from silently sitting on him I landed beside him on my bed.

"Tired already? I thought you were loving the shouts from my mouth which you caused". He teased once more.

" Shut up I wanna sleep". I said as I sat up. "But ok". I stood up and headed towards the kitchen.

Before leaving the room completely i heard him mutter "Bi-Polar" and chuckled lightly... What is wrong with that guy, ive been woken up rudely 2 times this morning, and now he's giving me sexual jokes ?!?!? Yeah no.... but my inflated stomach made me move and walk towards the kitchen like a rotting zombie, being the newly awoken person that I am I lazily started cooking not noticing Hugo sitting behind the island table watching me interestingly.

Placing a plate of the warm cooked breakfast in front of Hugo I lazily carried mine and sat on the couch watching TV and ate quietly, to be followed by Hugo who also sat beside me quietly eating.

"You know what? It quite a miracle that not a single paragraph came out from your mouth ever since you woke up". He teased.

Not receiving any reply and clearly not in the mood I placed my plate in the washing area while Hugo followed and washed the dishes, while I returned to the couch half asleep, and slowly drifting back to sleep while seating down on the couch. I then slowly feel myself drop down the comfortably warm couch as I lay down back to sleep peacefully.

"I could get used to this". I heard a voice above me before drowning in my very own dream land.

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