Chapter # 11

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"Heeyy". I yelled.

"What?? It'd be saving food up IF our get away mission tomorrow fails". He grinned as he took more.

"Tsk... whatever I'm only agreeing with you since we don't have much of a choice". I said not minding him taking spoonfuls of chipotle once every minute.



"Sofia". I felt a presence behind me as i slowly woke up from my slumber.

"Mmm not now Amber". I mumbled getting ready to  return to sleep.

"Sofia". The familiar voice spoke again seductively...thats when i felt a light lick in my neck which sent shivers down my spine.

My eyes bolted as i realised what just happened and sat immediately.

"WHA—". I was about to scream my lungs out when.

Hugo covered my mouth with his hand as he sat beside me.

"Now that thats over... shut up". He smirked  as he looked at my door.

Not removing his hand from my mouth, i did what i did before and bit his hand.

He writhed in pain as he stopped his voice from comming out in agony.

"Not gonna stop with the biting huh? You cant seem to get enough of me ".He teased as he held his hand.

I rolled my eyes and looked out the glass wall separating me from the outside.

What the hell... the suns not even out yet.

"Seems to be the other way around... its too early for your funny business, was the licking really neccesary?". I asked as i stood up and looked at him.

"You needed it" he teased as he licked his lips and stood up, his shirt rose up abit as he stretched showing off abit of skin.

That... that could seriously  give a ton of damages to my brain... I felt those lips already...realising my thoughts I shook my head feeling my cheeks burn a little. Oh god... i internally groan.

"It may be early but not too early for Axel to get ready". He smirked again waking me up from my thoughts.

Then it dawned on me... today we are gonna get out of this beautiful place.

I yawned as I stretched out my muscles to awaken my mind away from those thoughts" What's the plan early bird?". I ask and walked out the balcony seeing 3 cars parked outside.

"Thats the plan". He said as I shook my head to the side.


Sneaking outside to the front lawn , I saw 8 luggages standing beside the last car.

"Has he really been in here that long?". I asked amazed by how much his brother brings.

He just smirked at me and opened one luggage as he hid/threw away the things inside.

"Get one and unload it". He said as I did what he said.

When we were finished we crouched down as 2 men in black suits walked towards the car.

"When do we start heading out?". The guy without shades asked.

"In 30". The guy without hair answered as they get in the two cars ahead us.

I let out a sigh relieved that we werent caught

"Now get in". Hugo said as he opened the luggage wide enough for me to enter.

"W-whatt?!?!?". I yelled-ish whispered.

Sofia The First: Meant To MeetWhere stories live. Discover now