Chapter # 3

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Wearing a formal yet classy clothes... Finally got me to the feeling of assurance... That this is happening. What am I supposed to do??

Ughh of coarse I know what to do... How am I supposed to do it?
Am I gonna be a good secretary?
Is my boss very strict?

Someone! Please! Help!

For how many minutes I am being suffocated by a lot of questions in mind... But it was finally interrupted when...

*knock* *knock* *knock*

"Come in". I said and looked over to who is there.

"Soffy, aren't you excited that we will finally be working? I can't wait to have my own office... But sadly I won't be playing basketball anymore... Hmm what if I'll make an extension to the building and make a big basketball court there?". James blabbered so much when he came inside my room.

" James! First and for most... We will be working but it's a test, next is that it'll be a hastle and a waste of money if we do what you want to do". I answered.

"Well if there's a will there's a way sis, anyway I came here because... Its breakfast time with mom and dad". He said and finally getting out of my room.

Standing up from the bedside table of my room... I went out of my room filled with a lot more questions than yesterday.

When I entered the dining room, all the food, utensils and etc... Were ready, same goes for mom, dad, Amber and James...

Everyone is wearing something that's classy yet very formal. When I sat down beside Amber...

"Good morning Sofia". Mom greeted me while smiling sweetly.

"Good morning mom, dad, and Amber". I said teasingly.

"Good morning mom dad and Amber!". James said while fuming out his anger.

Mom just chuckled.

"Oh do you believe it Roland? Our children will finally be starting to take over our place". Mom said while looking at dad.

"Even I can't either... Either way, good luck to the three of you, this test will take 3 weeks, and if your proctor disapproves of your performance then... You won't be able to become one of the CEO of our Empire, got that?". Dad asks.

We three just nodded.

" But! Knowing as you three are... Very excellent then there's no worrying to that happening". Dad said and smiled.

That just proves how much they expect of us to do and to achieve in the following years...

"Ohhh the pressure". James said teasingly while looking back and forth from me and Amber.

We didn't mind him, but we continued eating, and finally we went out of the Royaltys mansion, heading to where everything will take place.


Almost arriving, I started to see a very familiar structure that I have not seen for a long time... The Royaltys Empire.

Such a tall and big building that kept me thinking... What an achievement its going to be if I will be able to do my part as the third CEO...

"Stop gaping at it... It'll melt...". Amber says somewhat nervously at me.

I smirked but then realised that... Amber's nervous... She has never been nervous before... Therefore if she's nervous then... She isn't really that ready than before...

Well... It is a new experience we are going to go through here...

Arriving we went out of the car to be surprised by mother and father in front of the building.

"This is it children... Better prove to your proctors that you can be a CEO of an empire". Dad says as he gave way for us three to enter.

"Dad... Stop saying it like there's a lot of scary things going to happen". Amber says as we enter the building.

"There are Amber... You will know a lot of darkest secrets from a lot of employees, from this empire and just everyone, you have to know them in order to survive carrying out the role as CEO". Mom explains.

Because of this the three of us were clearly confused on what mom meant...

A familiar golden locks haired girl suddenly appeared, strutting out the elevator like its her everyday hobby.

"Hello and welcome back to Royalty's Empire! I Angelica Winston am here to happily escourt you to your assigned departments, in this empire there are currently 11 departments, but you will only be experiencing the 3 most important departments in this empire ". Angelica said as she gasp for air.

"And these following departments will be.... Business and Advertising Department, Editorial Department and Department of Revenue and Finances". Angelica announced.

Feeling nervous and intimidated, the 3 of us were escorted to our departments.

I was first assigned to... The Editorial Department...

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