Chapter # 4

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And these following departments will be.... Business and Advertising Department, Editorial Department and Department of Revenue and Finances". Angelica announced.

Feeling nervous and intimidated, the 3 of us were escorted to our departments.

I was first assigned to... The Editorial Department...


Being escourted in front of a large silver door, I gulped and knocked the door as the feeling of nervousness engulf me.

A few seconds later a brunette haired girl also dressed elegantly formal, opened the door with a beautiful smile.

"Good Morning! You must be Sofia the second daughter of Sir Roland, a pleasure meeting you". She said sweetly. "Welcome to the Editorial Department, I am Mara Fuentes the current secretary of Sir David Fuentes the manager of this very department". She added.


"Its a pleasure to meet you too, um im not being nosy or anything but... Are you his wife?". I ask.

She just nodded while smiling at me.

She led me inside the room filled with alot of desks, in the middle of the room there's a large table... Probably for meetings, and almost every corner or sides of the door there are door's leading to more rooms.

Mara then gave me a tour of everything in this department. Now knowing that every department takes one floor of this very building surprised me, and the very reason for that is because there are more than 20 projects being recieved every week in every department.

So first she led me to the kitchen where they make their coffee, snacks, lunch and etc... Next is to a room filled with computers where alot of workers are editing may it be art, word, slides alot of stuff, next room is where there is also alot of workers but instead of computers there are alit of books and papers being used as documents. Next room is a meeting room, then a lounge, then the office of the manager, then the shooting room where they bring photographic art to life. Then lastly a medium sized office.

"What is this room?". I ask.

"This is going to be your office as the new secretary, I will be your guide this week". She smiled.

I looked around and sat at the desk, where theres a computer, in the screen the schedule and things to do are visible.

"Okay...So What's the first thing that I have to do?". I ask.

"Okaaay, so if you look at the screen we are currently having 30 projects for magazines, 15 projects for research and slides so you havr to ensure that the progress is going and the deadline for those is... This week". She said the last part hesitantly.

Im sure my face right now looks horrible.

"Yeah... This is the life of a secretary, in the end of the day when David appears you will have to report to him, at the same time you will have to attend every meeting that he will be in". She explained.

I gulped, said nothing and... Went over to the first work... The shooting room here I go.

Arriving there I saw different groups of shooting projects... 30 magazines... For every magazines there are more than a hundred pictures needed. It took me 3 hours to make sure all of the shoots were done. Next Mara led to me to the rooms where computers were the center of every workers attention. There I saw all the photos taken earlier, and they were made into a magazine, not just that but we went to the room filled with papers where all the information needed for the magazines were made. For 6 hours I ran to both rooms back and forth, making sure both were finished, and they were. I was given a sample of each 30 magazines to report and present to the manager.

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