Chapter # 8

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What a tiring day... I didnt even had the chance to eat dinner... Is this really true? Im too young, not ready and I dont even know who this guy is...

While laying in bed thinking, I didnt realize that I have fallen asleep...


Waking up to the feeling of heaviness being placed upon my shoulders, I layed in bed facing the ceiling pondering if I should go to the Empire or just lay here helpless.

But then something came up on my mind...

Today's the day... That me, James and Amber are going to be announced as the Triple CEO.

I lifted myself up groggilly, groaning as I felt the muscles that was once rested, stretched and started awakening.

I was about to go and head to my bathroom to get ready when... A loud knock was heard from the other side of the door.

"Come in". I said softly... Hoping that it wouldnt be mom or dad.

And to my delight it was Amber... All dolled up and looking cheery as ever.

"Can u believe this sis? The day that we have been working for for along time". Amber rushed to me happily and held my hand.

"Yah, good for us". I murmured my mind still half asleep.

Good for you guys... Not good for me...

"Sof... You be--". She was about to say something, but stopped once she realized that I was looking at her... My facial expression telling her not to ask."Uh anyway, you better get ready... Mom and Dad told me yesterday that we'll be in for a surprise later". She added and left smiling.

And with that I got ready...

From the dinning room to the ride to the empire, I made no sound nor eye contact with mom and dad... Entering the ginourmous entrance of the Empire I heaved a deep sigh.

After how many minutes of pondering in the car I realized what the surprise was about...

I looked over to mom and dad with visible shock plastered on my face....

But before i could ask anything ...

"Are you ok Soffy? You havent been yourself all morning". Amber said as she looked at me worriedly.

"I... I'm fine". I muttered making sure she could hear me.

Not wanting to go to the empire i gazed outside from the car...

Arriving in front of the building i heaved a heavy sigh, not wanting the things that i thought of to happen.

As we walked inside the building, the sound of our clattering heels could be heard making me realise that we are nearing the venue... wherein the stranger that i am about to be betrothed with lies waiting.

I clenched my jaw annoyed of the swift event thats about to happen, as we stood in front of a huge door .

"Im soooo exciteedd ". Amber squeals as the realisation sinks in, while James on the other hand is quietly grinning waiting for the doors to be opened.

"And finally let us welcomee!". The mc spoke in the other side of the room, as i felt my heart beat pump through my chest.

His voice then became unclear when mother spoke.

"Congrats". She said as she smiled sweetly and eyed the three of us as we entered the flashing filled room.

My bottom lip quivered knowing that despite being proud of where i am right now... despite knowing how i hate being forced into marriage... she is still able to smile like that in front of me.

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