Chapter # 9

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A black van passed by me, i then heard groaning sound when it stopped ... when i looked behind me i saw Hugo being carried by three guys as he fought back. Realising this i was about to run when a hand caught my waist and grabbed me, i kicked the mans stomach which caused him to let go of me but to my dismay two guys held me tightly and led me to the van, and sat me beside an unconscious Hugo.

Next thing i know i started seeing black dots as my vision stopped and brought me to a black world


I groggily woke up with a bad head ache, as i opened my eyes i saw Hugo beside me still asleep as he sat with his head back in a long couch.

Surprised by this that we weren't even tied up, I looked around no one was even watching over us... how weird. The room was modern yet very luxurious, it seemed like a house of a billionaire. I then stood up knowing that the coast is clear, as i headed towards the door i heard talking. But before i could go and figure out who those people were...

"Ugh... what the hell?". Hugo asked loudly as he held his head.

Because of that my eyes widened, as i hastily went over to him and covered his mouth.

"shhh! There are people outside, we dont wanna be caught ". I said quietly as i let go .

"Kidnapped?!??! Hahahha". He laughed loudly, causing me to cover his mouth again.

"What is wrong with you!". I whispered angrily.

But he kept laughing... when he finally realised that i wasn't laughing with him he calmed down and stopped laughing. Then i let go of him... again.

"Ok... we arent KIDNAPPED". Hugo said the word kidnapped loudly as he covered my mouth and i started to panic.

What the hell?!?!? Is he doing this on purpose? Just to attract the people outside?!?!?

I grabbed his hand away but it wouldn't budge, so i did what i needed to do, i bit his hand.

"Ouchh, damn sofia your too fiesty". He smirked as he held his hand.

"Has anyone ever told you that you have a mental illness?". I ask wanting him to realise our situation.

"Has anyone ever told you, that you are in someone else's house?". He joked as he looked at me intrigued.

"Duhh doofus". I said as i rolled my eyes at him.

"My house". He then rolled his arms together.


"Is this a part of your plan ? To kidnap meee?!?!? Your ploy to be kidnapped as well so that I would fall into your trap?!?!? Well guess what mastermind you did it! Here i am being kidnapped of the likes of you". I said as i stood up.

"H-hey i—-". But before he could say anything i cut him off.

"Did you already know who i was before the party? Is that why you kidnapped me knowing i wouldn't like you? What, what do you plan on doing to me then?". I stood and towered over him as he sat on the couch.

I di—-". But again i cut him off.

"Guess what criminal because of everything that you did, especially this very moment i will never ever mar—-". But before i could finish...

I was cut off when he leaned into me and kissed me hard. It felt so soft as i felt my heart beat , i looked at him to see him looking at me with his brown orbs and closed his eyes, it felt so warm that i want to melt into it.

Sofia The First: Meant To MeetWhere stories live. Discover now