Chapter 4 and 5

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I would implore you to go check out the rewrite of this story, The Grave Keeper, instead of this one.

I ran home from school.

Opening the door I ran inside slamming it shut behind me.

The cabin I lived in was small very small.

It was also the former home of Martha Branston.

The first victim of the silver-spruce slaughter.

That fact and it's small size were the only reasons I could afford it.

A lot of the things in here where hand made.

The bed, for example, it sat in the corner and the frame was somewhere in between queen size and a full.

At the other end of the room, There was a single table that could fit three.

In the middle of the room was a small couch with cheap but comfortable cushions and a hand-carved coffee table. On the wall across from the couch, there was a large window.

The fact that I couldn't afford coffee to drink on said table saddens me to no end.

Straight across from the door was a small bathroom with a tiny shower, a toilet,  and a sink.

Rushing in and Throwing my clothes off I jumped into the shower. Turning it on I was met with a freezing torrent of water. I couldn't afford to buy a water heater, hell I couldn't even afford to pay the heat or the electric bill.

But hey cold showers save time.

I got out. dried off, I have one towel. And got dressed for work.

A black shirt with a name tag on it and the same pair of jeans I wore to school.

I locked up and headed off to work.

I work at the local grocery store called BoBs groceries. It was a decent-sized place and about what you'd expect from a local small-town grocery store.

Lots of wood carvings and nature paintings.

I came in through the employee entrance in the back.

I greeted a few of my coworkers who returned my simple greetings.

I didn't have any friends.

It's not that I don't want friends, family.

It's what I want most in this world.

But growing up alone you give you an outside perspective on everyone around you.

I noticed other kids who were lonely. And I noticed what they did.

I saw it time and time again they took anything they could get just so they wouldn't feel alone.

Even if the people they surrounded themselves with didn't really care about them. Just used them.

Some didn't notice. Some just didn't care.

I didn't want that. I didn't want something fake. Something that was just going to hurt me more in the end.

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